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Let's talk about envy? What is envy? This is an emotion. And emotions are not good or bad. All emotions serve us, to put it simply, to adapt to the external environment in order to survive. Everyone experiences envy, but for some reason, when we discover this feeling in ourselves, we also experience shame! Where does it come from? From childhood, of course. Parents and teachers instilled in us that envy is not good, only bad people envy. They told us - we believed it, accepted it as truth, and live with it. Therefore, once again, experiencing this feeling, we scold ourselves. But envy can be used as a resource. By changing your attitude towards this emotion and working on yourself, you will begin to see positive changes in your life. Envy arises when we compare ourselves to others. And here it is important to understand that each person is unique, everyone has their own path. Envy can be assessed in different ways, but it is better to look at it from a positive point of view and reconsider your attitude towards it. Just think, because in fact, envy shows us that with those we envy, we simply have the same goals! Yes, perhaps, initially we are in different conditions, which means that the timing and methods of achieving what we want may not coincide. And that’s normal! It’s up to you to decide how you will act. I’ll highlight some points and tell you how to effectively cope with negative experiences associated with feelings of envy. Start by accepting the emotion. Tell yourself: “Yes, I am jealous.” Live with this thought. If you have negative feelings towards someone you envy, tell yourself: “This is normal!” Your psyche copes with this situation as best it can. Turn envy into a source of inspiration. Instead of being offended by yourself, ashamed of your feelings, or suffering because of other people's achievements, use their successes as motivation for action and as proof that the goals and dreams you want to achieve are possible and real. If someone can do it, I can do it too! Form a new habit of valuing yourself and reminding yourself of your strengths and achievements. Especially when you feel envy. Remember and write down all your achievements, victories, your success, starting from childhood. And add two or three items to this list every day. Praise yourself for your successes, even the smallest ones. Analyze, learn and apply those actions that led to the success of other people. This will allow you to develop and move forward. Pay attention to what qualities or skills helped the other person get the things you envy and cultivate them in yourself. Make a plan and act. Stop comparing yourself to others and focusing on the achievements of others. Set your own goals and go towards them. Compare your results with your past, not with the achievements of other people. Then you will see your development and your progress. Practice self-confidence. Focus on your strengths. Let curling become the best lever for your own development and growth, use it to the fullest for your benefit! I invite you to consultations and coaching sessions. With me you will achieve what you want faster!