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What influences our income? Of course, these are, first of all, beliefs that we follow consciously or unconsciously. And not only them, of course, but this article is about beliefs. What are these beliefs? “We haven’t lived richly, there’s nothing to start with”, “Money is evil”, “Where am I, and where is the big money”, “Big money will weaken the husband/wife and the family will fall apart”, “When I have a lot of money they will envy me and constantly ask for debt, friendship will fall apart" and others. Clients often come to my coaching sessions with such attitudes, without even suspecting that these attitudes control their lives so much. For example, one of the clients (the session was more than 3 years ago) believed that when she starts earning more, she will not be able to maintain relationships with friends who today earned very little. And every time I received a bonus at work, I did everything possible to spend it right away. She came to work with me with this request: she just can’t save money, then her tooth hurts and she urgently needs to spend money on treatment, then a nail is discovered in her car tire. These are the kind of “minor troubles” we unconsciously attract when we don’t want something. In this case, the client had a great value in friendship, and it exceeded the value of a large income. When at a session I helped a client work through the attitude “If I earn a lot, my friends will turn away from me,” she realized for herself that friendship does not depend on the amount of money in her pocket. Those who sincerely relate to her will only be happy to increase her income, and people with whom the friendship would have broken up in any case will probably stop communicating with her. It was also important to work through the fear of loneliness, which we also did at the session. Literally a couple of months later, the client shared that she managed to save 100% of the bonus and she planned a big purchase in six months. Therefore, answering the question in the title of the article, I will say that first of all you need to find your limiting beliefs and work through them. How can you work through them yourself? For example, find examples for yourself when a belief “doesn’t work.” Is “money always evil”? And when they help perform a complex operation on a sick child? It's also great to find a moment in life when you had this belief. For example, if your grandmother kept repeating “you didn’t live richly, there’s nothing to start with,” and you unknowingly took this attitude for yourself, you can mentally, with gratitude, return it to your grandmother, realizing for yourself that you remain a member of your Family, even if you earn a lot of. And that you have your own destiny, your grandmother has her own destiny, and, of course, your grandmother has every right to believe in what she believes. And you, as an adult, can make your own adult choices, including in the formulation of your monetary attitudes. Of course, in addition to working out attitudes of a psychological nature, you also need to work. I will be “Captain Obvious,” but I often see comments on my social networks like: “And if I don’t have limiting attitudes, why am I not a millionaire yet?” You are not a millionaire because you don't want it yet. You can always make money, the main thing is to act. And this can be done faster and easier if you act and change your settings in parallel. Do you want to feel more feminine and desirable - to attract gifts, clients, money? Sign up for free with me. consultation, we’ll draw up a plan on how you can have more love, money and success https://t.me/lara_mentor. I'm Lara, I've helped 3000 women