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Today we will talk about the fear of flying on an airplane. In technology it is extremely easy to overcome, but the problem is that it is very resource-intensive.1. Define your fear The fear of flying sounds too general. Try to detail what exactly you are afraid of. What will you crash? That no one will help you? What will you lose your loved ones? Or will your loved ones not be able to live without you if you die? What turbulence will begin? What will you throw up and people will see it?2. Describe your protective and avoidant behavior. Protective behavior is aimed at controlling the situation. You do something that saves you. For example, if you are flying on an airplane, you hold the arms of your seat to feel better. When the plane takes off, you hold your breath. Perhaps you fly hugging a pillow or holding your partner's hand so that it doesn't feel so scary. Some people sing songs to themselves or calm down with counting rhymes. After some time of repeating this behavior, a reflex is formed: ritual - no disaster happened - I’m safe. So your brain comes to the conclusion that it is protective behavior that protects you from threat and thanks to it you survive every time. It is also worth remembering about avoidance behavior. The more you avoid something, the more you become convinced that you are unable to cope with the situation. If you're afraid of flying, your avoidance behavior likely looks like choosing a different form of transportation to travel with. You choose cars, buses, trains, even over long distances where it would be more appropriate to fly by plane. Here the reflex is formed in exactly the same way, and you surrender yourself to the power of your phobia.3. Why do you actually need to change? As long as your fear is stronger than your desire, nothing will change. In order to overcome your fear of flying, you need to weigh the costs and benefits that you will receive by solving your problem. You have to pay for everything and this must be taken into account when overcoming your phobia. The “cost” can include money, unpleasant sensations, risks of not coping with the phobia, discomfort, time, feeling like a fool, etc. But you should also not forget what you will get by overcoming your fear: you will no longer have to give up planes in favor of less convenient transport, you will be able to travel long distances and it will be much easier to do this, you will feel comfortable on the plane, you will regain control over your life, etc. Are you ready to experience discomfort for a short time for the sake of to gain peace of mind in the long term? You will have to pay with unpleasant emotions now in order not to experience fear later.4. Hierarchy of fears. Break up contact with the plane and evaluate how scary it is for you to do this. Your task is to list situations related to airplanes that you are afraid of. For example, buying tickets, going to the airport, letting relatives fly on a plane, walking around the airport, watching planes take off and land, walking to the plane, boarding a plane, taking off on a plane, flying to the nearest city, flying for several hours, fly with transfers, get into a zone of turbulence, survive an emergency landing, crash on a plane. Your hierarchy may look completely different, go by your feelings, what is the most terrible for you and what is less terrible. Place a fear level next to each item from 0 to 10.5. Assess the rationality of fear You are afraid to fly on an airplane because you think it is a dangerous form of transport. Indeed, some planes crash and people actually die. But what is the probability that you will die on the plane? You can calculate it in this calculator - https://avia.pro/veroyatnost-katastrofy Let's compare the probability of dying in a car accident with the probability of dying on an airplane. Car accidents occur 1 time in 6,700 trips. Airplane accidents occur 1 time in 3,100,000 trips. Let's say you're with a friend.