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I'll tell you about dad - I won't open my mouth, I won't be a bungler. This dad is a great guy, an efficient daredevil. News from the Internet forums……Lissa Girls, how do dads (your husbands) deal with kids? I just had a fight with my husband about this. Both: father and son (Danka is 1 year 7 months old) do not want to play together for more than 2 minutes. Dad is drawn to the TV, the newspaper, the sofa, etc. Danya to me, grandparents, but not to dad. It seems to me that this whole situation is created by the husband, without trying to interest or captivate the child. Danka is just bored with him. Anna But it seems to me that dads don’t know other games :( Our dad adores his daughter - he cuddles, kisses, fools around with her - and when I ask her to play something useful or just interesting, he looks at her with blank eyes: " Well, she’s already interested..." And all this - no more than 20 minutes in the evening. Well, I don’t insist - it’s not the quantity, but the quality of the time spent, that matters. So we decided to look into this issue......Game with a child is not just a fun way to spend time. Playing is the main activity of children. And playing with children is not just necessary, playing is necessary. After all, a vital need for children from one to three years is the need for an adult as a partner. And, as you know, needs need to be satisfied. After all, if a child says that he wants to eat, any parent, regardless of whether he knows how to cook well or not, will feed his baby. And the need to play with adults is no less important for the child’s psychological health. than food. Through play, the child comprehends real life. In <game he can be anyone. He simulates situations, studies everything that happened to him. With the help of games, the child relieves stress and tension. In play, the child expresses everything that oppresses and worries him. In some games, according to the scenario, the baby needs a dad, and in some, a mother. And that’s why sometimes it’s important for parents to stop what they’re doing and play along with the baby. Games can be different......For children from one to 1.5 years old - visual and manipulative (matryoshka dolls, pyramids, games with water and bulk materials, etc.). As children approach two years of age, they show more and more interest in role-playing games - cook soup, feed the bear cub, treat the bunny, dress up the doll, etc. And after three years, a role-playing game begins to develop - we feed the bear cub, go on a visit, and then to the store for shopping, etc. So, what is hiding under the well-known children’s “Dad, let’s play!”? This is the desire to satisfy the main needs of the age category from one to 3 years: The need for friendly attention, which all children feel. The child may even behave badly to get this attention. And he is waiting for attention, with hugs, kisses, pleasant words, different emotions, and not just the presence of an adult. It is very important that at the moment of communication the adult’s attention does not dissipate (out of habit) on the contents of the pan, the TV, the telephone, but concentrates exclusively on the child. The need for a parent as a play partner. Whether we like it or not, the child sees us as an object to satisfy his needs. The need to work together with adults. Plant houseplants together, make vinaigrette, hang out laundry, wash father’s car. And what difference does it make, what is most important is together. MOTHER is the closest person to the baby. But the child no less needs assertive, active, energetic “male” games, games WITH DADDY - with running, fussing, squealing and laughter. This will enrich the baby’s experience and give him completely new sensations and impressions. Communication with dad and the feeling of his masculine strength gives the baby a lot of positive emotions. For a child, a father is a source of not only physical, but most importantly, psychological strength. Boys compare themselves with their dad and want to be like him in everything. For a son, the father is a role model. And for a girl, dad is the first man she wants to please. With her dad, she wants to feel the most beautiful, smart, attractive, and in the future the image of an ideal man will consist ofthe best qualities of a father. Any father should understand that he is not only the breadwinner, but also the person who opens up the world for the child in which he will live. Considering that dads more often get evening play time, help your husband distribute his energy so that both he and the child enjoyed the communication process. Of course, many children prefer more active games. But in the evening, before going to bed, invite them to play a board game or read a book, or put together a construction set. Watching a cartoon, listening to music, drawing - this is not a complete list of evening activities with your child. If you see that they are having a hard time getting close and finding a common language, carefully infiltrate and be third in the game. After all, the main thing for you is that both dad and baby feel comfortable, that dad learns to play with the child and spend time with him. Be a connection for them. And besides, the child will feel the cohesion of the family. When the baby sees the cooperation of the parents, he feels more confident. And being confident in the strength of his family, he begins to understand that his close people will support and help him in everything. And in the future he will create the same family, friendly and loving. Don’t tell me what... tell me how to play......Game Rails, Rails...we tell the old, old rhyme and make the appropriate massage movements on the child’s back: Rails, rails, (We draw longitudinal rails on the back with our fingers.) Sleepers, sleepers. (Draw transverse sleeper lines.) The train was traveling late. (We run our fingers all over the back.) Peas suddenly fell out of the last window. (We tap our fingers on the back, as if peas are falling down.) The chickens came: they pecked, they pecked... (“We peck” with our fingers.) The geese came: they nibbled, they nibbled... (We pinched the back.) The elephant came: he trampled, trampled, ( We trample with our fists.) The elephant came: she trampled, she trampled, (We jostled, but not so much.) The baby elephant came: he ran, he ran. (“We run” along the back with our fingers.) The janitor came: he swept everything, swept everything. (We stroke the back.) He placed a chair, a table, a typewriter (“We place” the table and chair with four fingers.) And began to type: (“We type.”) “My dear daughter!” Whack-dot, Whack-dot. (At the word “zip” we lightly run our fingers along the baby’s sides.) “I bought you stockings.” Whack-dot, Whack-dot. I sealed the letter, stamped it and sent it. (We put a “seal.”) The letter flew, flew, flew, flew... (We stroke the back, showing how the letter flew.) And it arrived! (We lightly slap the baby on the bottom or snap the elastic band of his panties.) Help. How it works: For mental and physical health, a person of any age needs physical contact with other people. If an adult is deprived of the opportunity to somehow contact the outside world and receive all kinds of sensations from it, this will lead to serious mental disorders. So, carrying a baby in your arms, hugs, kisses, massage, gentle stroking, pinching and patting, all kinds of finger games and games on your knees are not just fun or a way to express your love to your baby, it is also a necessary way for a child to receive all kinds of tactile sensations . And the younger the baby, the more such touches he needs. Of course, during the day the mother touches the baby many times. But dad does it completely differently! Dad's fingers are different, the skin on his hands is different, and the touches themselves are different from mom's. This means that by communicating with dad, the baby receives a lot of new tactile impressions, which helps him develop better. What's the best tactile game? Of course, a fun massage! Dad can happily tickle and pinch the child while listening to a funny rhyme. This will cause a storm of positive emotions. Pile-small This is a fun romp that can take the form of “pile-small”, comic wrestling, boxing, etc. take advantage of the usual fun, called differently in each children's group: “cat and mice”, “houses”, etc. Dad, in the role of a cat, “sleeps” on the sofa, and the baby runs around and teases. But the cat woke up, and the little mouse must quicklyhide in a house chair. If the cat doesn't catch it, the game starts over. If you catch it, look out here, little mouse! Now they will “eat” you, pinch and tickle you. One condition: it is better not to start such games before bed. After them, the baby needs some time to calm down. It’s better to then lie quietly together, talk about something pleasant or read a quiet book. Help. How it works: In one fell swoop you kill several birds with one stone. Spends time with the baby, and both have incredibly fun! This time. Gets closer to the child, makes adult-parent relationships more harmonious and trusting. After all, any physical contact is psychologically associated with trust. That's two. And for the dad himself, the benefits are enormous: nervous tension, physical and psychological fatigue are relieved, mental balance is restored. What is happening is what we often call in one succinct word “discharge.” It is sometimes very useful for all of us to free ourselves from the usual role of parent and responsible worker, to take a break from intellectual work and any restrictions with which we are forced to bind ourselves, and to return for a while to childhood, feeling connection with the past. That's three. What about the baby? With the help of such games, the baby learns to control his body, tries to understand his motor capabilities, and gets acquainted with new and varied tactile sensations. What happens if you crawl on a smooth floor? What if you lie on a fluffy carpet? Both crawling on all fours in the grass and burying yourself in the sand on a hot beach are all new tactile experiences. In addition, the baby learns to determine the boundaries of his body, gets used to space, understands where is up and down, where is the right side and where is the left. In turn, the ability to navigate in space is closely related to the development of thinking and speech. So it turns out: the games are simple, but they are of great importance! Such games usually arise spontaneously and do not have any plot: just running after each other and making “traps”, fussing on the floor or on the bed, tickling or comic wrestling, squealing and laughter. We played papovoz A. Usachev has a wonderful poem “Papovoz”: We played papovoz, the fastest papovoz, the best papovoz: I was driving, and dad was driving. For a long time he did not agree, He did not want to puff seriously, And then he parted ways - And he went and drove! A wardrobe was knocked over and a chair fell. It became cramped in our apartment... Great joy for both the “dad’s carriage” and the little passenger will be brought by all kinds of games on the lap, “horses” on dad’s shoulders and other fun games with jumping. You can play, for example, like this. Dad sits the baby on his lap, throws him up, swings him from side to side, saying: Let's go with nuts on a barrel, on a barrel, Along a flat path, Over bumps, over bumps, Over ravines, over ravines, Over bumps, over bumps , Up a high hill, into a hole, bang! At the last words, the knees move apart, and the baby “falls” into the hole with laughter. Of course, you need to hold him by the arms. Help How it works: riding a daddy “horse” is also an educational game. Sitting on daddy's shoulders, the baby gets a better view, sees the familiar room from a completely new, unusual angle, which gives him food for thought. In addition, for the baby it is a kind of fun physical education lesson that helps develop dexterity, coordination of movements, and learn to control their body. After all, the baby’s position on daddy’s strong shoulders is not very stable. Consequently, the little rider makes an effort to maintain balance. And for dad, this is a great opportunity to communicate, bring him joy and pleasure. Playing with cars Here's what else you can play with dad: cars! Mothers do not know how to play this game at all, although they try very hard. And dad will be able to come up with many different plots for the game: racing from one wall of the room to another, and building garages, bridges and tunnels from cubes, chairs and sofa cushions - and even figure out how to open a real auto repair shop at home. But the baby will not be interestedonly to play with cars, but also to turn into a car yourself. The kid picks up a toy steering wheel, and dad gives commands: “forward”, “reverse”, “faster”, “slower”, “stop”, “signal”, etc. The noise of the engine should correspond to the size of the car. A large car buzzes loudly, a small one is quieter. Help How it works: By trying to imitate the sounds of the engine and beeps of different cars, the baby will thereby train his articulatory apparatus. Even just looking at the cars with dad is very interesting. Dad can tell his son or daughter what each part of the car is called and what it is needed for. Cars can be sorted by color and size. Funny all-around competition Shouldn't we arrange some funny competitions? They are funny, because serious competitions are not yet for the baby. He still doesn’t know how to lose with dignity. And if dad always does something better than him, he will certainly be upset. Therefore, we play not for the sake of winning, but simply for the sake of fun. So, the first competition. We put a wide-necked jar on the floor and give each player 10 peas or beans. The player’s task is to stand at full height over the bottle and throw the peas down one at a time, trying to get them into the bottle. Who will do this more accurately: dad or baby? Competition two: we place a small cardboard box or any other suitable container at some distance from ourselves and throw clothespins into it. Competition three: Frisbee. Let's mark the area on the floor by spreading a towel. We try to throw a disposable paper or plastic plate so that it lands exactly on the towel. And finally, the fourth competition: spider running. Show your baby how you can turn into a spider in a matter of seconds: sit on the floor, lean your hands on the floor behind your back, lift yourself up on your hands and feet and... run! First forward, and then back. And then teach your baby to walk in his arms, holding his legs. Help How it works: any such exercise is a training of motor skills, coordination of movements, eye, and dexterity. Fun stuff. You can sit with your baby opposite each other and roll the ball to each other. You can learn to throw and catch a ball with your hands. The ability to throw a ball is an important skill. Pay attention to the child that you can throw the ball in different ways: from behind the head, from the chest, from bottom to top, with both hands, only with the left or only with the right. Gradually master all the methods and improve in them. It is equally important to teach your child to catch a ball. Start from a small distance, almost putting the ball in the baby’s hands, then increase the distance. It is important to choose the right ball. It should be large enough, but light at the same time. A slightly deflated beach ball will work well, which will be convenient for the baby to catch and hold in his hands. Or you can play football. This game is liked not only by boys. Girls will also have great pleasure pushing the ball with their feet to the delight of dad. This exercise develops coordination and balance well. And the gates will be, in turn, the father’s legs and the baby’s legs. First, the baby scores the ball into his father's goal, and then the baby plays the role of a goal. You can use a chair or stool as a gate, or make a gate out of cubes. It’s also interesting to play impromptu basketball, trying to hit the ball into a cardboard box standing on the floor or on the sofa. What if you build figures like towns out of cubes and knock them down with a small ball? Moreover, the ball can be either rolled or thrown. Help How it works: This game trains the coordinated work of vision and hands, develops gross and fine motor skills and satisfies the inherent thirst for “destruction” in most children. Try playing with your baby a game that each of us knows called “thimbles.” To play we will need three multi-colored mugs or small bowls. In front of your baby, hide a cookie, candy, apple, or small toy under one of the bowls. Then we begin to move the bowls in a circle. After your manipulations, will the baby be able to figure out where the object is hidden? If you guessed right, you can have cookies!