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How they become storytellers Once upon a time, in my distant childhood, I came up with a doll-girlfriend: her head was in the form of a bright red apple, her body joyfully moved with the help of a soft green, fresh cucumber, arms and legs, made from matches, did not know a minute of peace. My favorite doll-friend willingly talked to me at night, becoming my main confidante for a long time when I was separated from my parents (I was sent to an eye sanatorium for almost a year and my mother could visit me very rarely!). She shared with me the approaching loneliness (aren’t children sometimes terribly lonely, but adults don’t always feel this?!), consoled me in cases when I really wanted to burst into tears from severe resentment; and laughed heartily with me when the funny bubbles jumped with joy inside me. The friend doll taught me to rejoice at any pleasant little thing that brightened up my day and to easily forget the hardships and grievances that wanted to be unloaded onto the island of my Memory. This is how I first entered into my life is a fairy tale, a miracle in the form of a magical character - Tanya the Doll. What happened next, you ask? And then fabulous gifts came into my life, which I still use today and remember those who gave them to me with tender love and great gratitude. If you remember, in the fairy tale about “Sleeping Beauty”, all the Fairies came to the christening of Princess Aurora, except herself the evil one, whom they forgot to invite, and gave her important gifts that were of great importance in her future destiny. Something similar happened to me, only the Fairies brought their gifts at different times in my life. One Fairy, my dear Aunt Zee, taught me to love all living things, and from love for nature was born the ability to understand the language of animals, birds and flowers (since then they are creatures close to me in spirit), as well as to control the clouds. Yes, yes, you were not mistaken, before you is the Fairy of the Clouds in my person, however, the clouds obey me mainly in the summer and at the local level, i.e. only when my family and I are going somewhere and we urgently need to improve the weather: remove the rain, let out the sun, etc. At the same time, I always read “Our Father” and sincerely thank the Lord for understanding our small concerns and needs. Another Fairy, Elena Valerievna Belova, with her example aroused in me a burning desire to help people in trouble (whether from illness of the body or soul). The algorithm for searching for a diagnosis that she proposed is still remembered, and the search for a solution turns into a fascinating method a la Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson combined. The Third Fairy, my dear teacher-storyteller, Tatyana Dmitrievna Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, showed how to heal the soul (including your own!) with the help of fairy tales, the human voice and beautiful music. She created her own original method of Integrated Fairytale Therapy, which won warm recognition not only in Russia, but also abroad, where the International Institute of Integrated Fairytale Therapy appeared in Cyprus. The fourth Fairy, rather Fairy - child actor Alexey Tulupov, advised to listen to what children say, for there is no purer tuning fork in our lives than a child with his consciousness, unclouded by any stereotypes of feelings, thoughts and reactions. The Fifth Fairy, Irina Syomina, aka the wonderful Elfika, the author of amazing psychological fairy tales (she has already published more than a dozen books!) dictated a recipe for the return of Inspiration, without which the listed gifts lose their power. Years passed - I became a doctor, psychologist and fairytale therapist, as well as a wife and mother of a charming daughter. And the time has come to give gifts received from the good Fairies: to people who have lost someone close to them and were confused by the suddenness of this loss; wives and husbands who have completely forgotten how to listen and hear each other; parents and children who have forgotten the meaning of their existence under the roof of the Family Home; creative people who have temporarily lost the magic thread of their creativity. Come to me, and together we will touch the gifts of my Good Fairy helpers.