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“ - So... let’s check our readiness: We went to prepare for school, we found the best teacher, the children were selected, at least the majority. There is no mention of uniforms, briefcases, notebooks, teaching aids. Everything has been purchased, and additional classes have been planned. Now the main thing is not to miss out on my son, to teach him order! So that I’m always there, I take control of the lessons. I will watch until I develop independence and responsibility. Until these qualities appear, I will not leave you alone with the lessons! Fortunately, I have experience: Mashenka has grown up so smart and I’ll teach Vovochka! - Now my goal in life is his good studies. I’m not like other mothers. They say let the child learn on his own! What do you mean by yourself? Once he grows up, then let him do it himself...”, - That’s roughly what Vovka’s mother thought as she took him to his first school lesson. And if she didn’t think so, then, in any case, this is how she understood her parental role and developed her activities in accordance with the plan. Moreover, she had nothing to do except with housework and childcare (in a small town, according to her education, finding a job is not easy, she forgot to think about entertainment, with two children). Children at school, work Everything around the house has been redone... And then the first-grader came home from school. - Well, son, what did they ask you today? Draw sticks! Let’s go to the table, take out a notebook, a pen... you draw, draw, and I’ll sit next to you. - Here it’s level, and here it’s rounder, here it would be nice to be stronger, and here it’s more precise... After six months of such classes, Vovka has a complete lack of desire to do homework At the psychologist’s appointment, Mom is in a panic: “I don’t really know what to do.” Persuasion and threats do not help. But at school they praise him. And at home he does everything to spite me. And not to say that he’s lazy, he can help me around the house, wash the dishes, sweep the floors. - Do you have anything to do besides children and housekeeping? Your interests, for example? - ....? What interests? I have enough children. - Well, let's look. Besides children, you also have a husband? In the meantime, let the boy do his homework himself. - Yes, it never occurred to me, I sat like that with my eldest daughter. - But your son is not a girl, but a man. Isn’t that right, Vladimir? In response, an energetic nod. Dad supported the idea of ​​independence and was glad to have the opportunity to spend more time (freed up!) with his wife, without children. Yes! This is exactly the recommendation given. For the normal development and maturation of children, adults must be not only parents, but, above all, spouses, one team. After some resistance, the children began to “let go” of mom and dad, quickly learned to do without adults and began to respect their interests more. Vova’s desire to be lazy passed quite quickly. In this case, the child’s resistance turned out to be a demand for greater autonomy, as a natural attribute of growing up. The main thing that led to a quick solution to the problem was that the family turned out to be prosperous, friendly, active and cheerful. Parents quickly realized what was important and useful for their child in the future. Read on to see how you can really help your first-grader... What is important for children? Not today, but in the near future. To answer, let's think about what the most important goal of parenthood is. What result are we expecting? Everyone wants success for their child, a successful fate, happiness in marriage, and material well-being. And how should a little man grow up to achieve all this? Unless, of course, you plan to provide all this to him personally. I think independent, self-confident, believer in love, persistent and hardworking. Some of us assume that we can babysit a child almost until adulthood, and then everything will happen by itself: he will start earning money, helping with the housework, and showing responsibility. It won't start. Only if we ourselves do not gently push in the right direction from a young age, instilling useful qualities. This is probably the most important thing we can do for our children. AND…