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Several times over the last week people have approached me with similar requests, the essence of which boils down to the fact that they simply have no vital energy left, sometimes these requests sound like this: - I’m constantly tense, it feels like that I just can't relax. At the same time, everything falls out of my hands, I get annoyed at everything, I take it out on my loved ones, I simply don’t have the strength to endure this state, now I constantly cry and lie down, I don’t have the strength to get up and do anything, such apathy towards everything. - I wake up already tired , I have no strength for anything, I can’t even bring myself to put on makeup in the morning, etc. Let's figure out where our energy goes: First, unresolved problems that accumulate like a snowball “feed on our energy.” We endlessly conduct an internal dialogue, trying not to show it to our loved ones, without expressing everything that worries us, what we are afraid of or do not want to talk about. But our silence does not mean that we are silent inside, inside we scream, get offended, accumulate resentment, and at the same time, all this requires a lot of energy, which we then lack! Secondly, very strong negative feelings such as resentment, hatred, envy, jealousy and others deprive us of the lion's share of energy. They seem to corrode us from the inside, destroying our inner harmony and balance. Thirdly, we do so much of what we “should” and so little of what we really “want” that this imbalance weighs on us more and more every day. I want to go to football, but I have to make repairs, I don’t have time for nonsense, I have to be a good son, a real man, a good housewife, etc. All these obligations, once assumed, often create contradictions with our desires, and this internal discrepancy also lives at the expense of our energy. Fourthly, we do what we don’t want to do, we do it through force, we try to force ourselves, coerce, urge. This could be anything, from reading a book that is not interesting to us, to going to work every day that we do not like, for which we are not passionate. We do this, but we do it through force, overcoming enormous internal resistance, wasting precious energy. What to do, how to get the energy back? Of course, first of all, come to the realization of what you are spending your energy on, learn constructive dialogue with yourself and your loved ones. And this means not carrying a backpack of unresolved issues and grievances behind your back, but discussing emerging disagreements, coming to mutual understanding, respect and solving problems that have arisen. Work through old grievances and complaints, figure out who and what you really “owe”, get to know your desires, allow them to be.