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From the author: Watching films together can have a strong therapeutic effect and is quite capable of helping to cope with pressing problems “Cinema is the management of the inexpressible” (I. Bergman). Cinema therapy is watching a specially selected film followed by discussion with the participation of a psychologist. It is known that watching films can have a strong therapeutic effect and is quite capable of helping to cope with pressing problems. Each person has his own ways of understanding life and the events occurring in it. We can observe all this when working with the content of a feature film: how many participants are in the film therapy group, so many films will be seen. Each participant will see the result of his personal perception, determined by his past experiences. Therefore, with cannabis therapy, it is possible to go beyond the boundaries of your perception patterns. “Cinema works as a mirror in which we can see ourselves and our actions and draw conclusions. And everyone has their own mirror” (R. Gere). The goals of film therapy: - living through the current situation; - rethinking one’s own problems; - developing objective observation of oneself; - developing the expression of emotions; - reassessing one’s own and others’ motives. Stages of film therapy - 1) choosing the appropriate one for the given purpose of the film (it must be a highly artistic work, have a strict and clear thematic line); 2) viewing; 3) discussion. After viewing, everyone speaks out (voluntarily!), reporting what they remember from the film, what caused the greatest impression. When discussing the film, special attention is paid to the main characters; the feelings, thoughts, and reactions that certain characters evoked among the training participants are analyzed. While watching a film, a person merges with one of the characters if the mood of the character or the situation that is being played out is close to him. Analysis of the behavior and motives of the characters’ actions helps the viewer express those thoughts that were difficult to convey in words. Then the psychologist summarizes the statements of the group members, without referring to individuals, and gives a list of feelings and problems that the film revealed. Film therapy in family counseling. Films with a romantic plot provoke the production of the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for the joy of intimacy with a loved one. Watching melodramatic films can have such a strong therapeutic effect that it is quite capable of helping to cope with a pressing family problem. Sometimes for married couples coming for family counseling, I select and recommend specific films from my so-called “film therapy card index”, selected for various problems for joint viewing. It is always a single space with a single emotional field, which allows one to form a single point of view on the issues raised in the film, or to come to it as a result of an argument and discussion. The situations into which other pairs of characters in the film find themselves, observed by the spectator couple, allow one to look from sides to her and their problems, correlate them with their situations, with their similar life episodes and develop a different assessment, a different perspective on them. Watching films on family topics for a couple experiencing family problems or a crisis period provides a huge chance to strengthen relationships, and sometimes even save a marriage. Film training. Film training in an organization is a type of film therapy that can be used to solve various organizational problems. I suggested that managers and employees conduct film therapy or film training. The topic can be determined either by the manager, or during a free discussion in a team, or by anonymous voting among employees. Study of the effectiveness of film training in a team. 1) A session of joint viewing of the film was held with its subsequent discussion. 2) After 2 weeks, the following survey was conducted. Questionnaire. " Dear Colleagues! To determine the effectiveness of the film training, please answer the questions anonymously - check the box next to the question that corresponds to your?5 1 3