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From the author: Setting goals is the basis of effective activity in any field. A time of crisis is a certain period of time where changes occur. Sometimes we can be busy with a difficult situation at work, or a conflict with parents, or defending a point of view in a group of friends, or an illness has overcome us, or fiddling with documents has been going on for months. And I would like everything to be decided at the moment - so that there is a logical chain and our actions immediately lead to results. But no matter how it is. This only happens in films where we simply don’t see the characters for most of their lives, since the director has a limit on how long the main idea can be demonstrated. So in such protracted moments, when everything drags on and on, when it’s very difficult, sometimes you want to sit under the covers with tea, turn on a TV series, maybe drink a glass of wine, and have someone stronger sitting next to you and encouraging you. And this doesn’t always happen either. This doesn't usually happen. Because everyone has things to do, the blanket with tea is not as warm as it seemed, and after the episode ends, reality invades again - that something is wrong, that something needs to be done. And you just don’t know what to do anymore. And your faith is weak and your strength is already exhausted. In order to stay “in the ranks” it is important to see the goal. This is not about: “beating” yourself on the wrist when something “didn’t work out” - it didn’t go the way you wanted; demanding support and understanding, compassion and empathy from your partner; falling into self-pity and crying for days on end; feeding and giving yourself something to drink, reading - something that does harm, even though it helps for a moment. That is, forget about healthy self-care at all; questions like: “why do I need all this”, “for what” - when their answers cannot yet be learned, when it is not yet time; to fall into depression. Although sometimes this can be a habitual way of life - when you are stormy and thrown either to the bottom or to the surface. This is about: when you want to do harm - and you are looking for a way without harming yourself; when the goal is clear and serves as a reminder - what is all this for? (here it is important to make this goal for yourself, if it doesn’t exist: “what do I want to get at the end of the process?”); when there is awareness of my own separateness, this is my life and my task, my goal and my path; instead of scolding myself for that there was something wrong - there comes awareness and gratitude to oneself for the experience that this was finally learned; awareness of one’s powerlessness and the need for the help of a specialist. It is important to train in such periods of life, take a surf, get up on a wave - and use the energy of the wave for your own benefit: coming “ashore” from the crisis with the experience and skills gained. Either you learn to be on the wave, or by surfacing you have the opportunity to take a break and return to the whirlpool of the process, and then exhaustion. Very often in such long-term periods attempts are made to control the situation - cutting or dyeing hair, changing the image, changing the environment, changing the situation . And here everything comes into play, if it is useful for you and helps you. One thing is important - the main thing is that it is not under the influence of emotions and excitement does not give way to disappointment. To do this, it is important to remember that you are in a complex process, your resources are not endless, and it is important to make decisions consciously, although you want to speed up the process. Crises, difficulties - we have them in our lives from time to time. It is important not to wait out the storm, but to learn to live in the storm and even have fun! If my article was useful to you, click the “say thank you” button".