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yesterday Milana made her debut in her first leading role in the theater, there were roles before, but secondary and with less responsibility, there was a lot of resistance this time before the previous performance, she got sick an hour before I ran to the store for her shoes, because the soles of the old ones had broken, so I was already in the theater with flowers 30 minutes before the start, I found my child in tears and choking, the text disappeared from her head, the confidence was gone, the stage partner did not support, and also added fuel to the fire was supported by the other guys, the director, in general, 15 minutes before the bell, with a tear-stained face, still without makeup and costume, the director took her to the dressing room and went into the hall, sat down and almost died of fear for the first 10 minutes of the performance she was not there, I waited, tense as a string, she appeared Not recognizing her, I was happy, surprised, almost cried for what, I’m writing now I’m crying, my girl is an adult, beautiful, with posture, in makeup, holding herself as if there were no tears half an hour ago I looked, rejoiced and wondered where this resource came from in her then there were flowers, balloons, a congratulatory cake, the next performance will also be played, she will also sing no longer to the soundtrack, I breathe, I believe in her, I’m a little ashamed that I honestly doubted it at first, I fell into my fears, but these are my fears, not hers, but she only needed support at the moment of doubt, like Often we all lack support in moments of doubt in order to play our main role in our lives, and how wonderful it is when there are those nearby who believe in us more than ourselves, so we begin to believe in ourselves. It is very important for a child to gain experience of success in childhood, if it does not happen. , it’s very difficult to then come to success as an adult, and it’s possible with the help of therapy, but it’s a long and long difficult thing, if you’ve already had such an experience, then it automatically seems more realistic for a person to repeat it. Today, Milanka probably had her first experience of great success, and I’m so happy for her. for yourself, believe in your children, if you can’t believe in your child, then ask, do you believe in yourself? don’t rush to answer, it is often not on the surface, try to find the answer not from your head, but feel it, if you notice notes of self-doubt, then first work with yourself on your own , if you can, or in therapy, because children mirror us all our states, and self-doubt too, if your child does not have the experience of success, start with yourself in order to believe in yourself, take credit for your big and small successes, and do not devalue them, let even they are not grandiose, they are all yours, save them up, they will become your support, and you can become a support for your children. This is the best thing we can give to our children - unconditional acceptance, faith in them and love, even in this difficult time, when many people think that they have children are now getting a decent future a better future is a future in which our children are mentally and physically healthy it still depends on us, and we can definitely give it to them♡