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When you can and should go to a psychologist Frequent stress, dissatisfaction with yourself and others, family and personal problems - all those cases when the help of a specialist is extremely timely. Friends and relatives are always ready to listen and support, but they will not be able to help you understand yourself, find the true reasons for your worries and help you get rid of them. Stressful situations (troubles at work, difficulties in relationships with a loved one, family troubles and much more ) are often associated with pronounced or prolonged negative emotional states, such as anxiety, chronic fatigue, self-doubt, feelings of unhappiness, constant irritability, insomnia, etc. Professional help, in this case, can be provided by a qualified psychologist. What problems are most often addressed: Difficulties in relationships with people. Difficulties in communicating with members of the opposite sex. Family crises, divorces. Feelings of apathy and decreased vitality. Chronic dissatisfaction with oneself. Fears of various etiologies. Low self-esteem, constant feeling of anxiety. Low performance , increased fatigue. Various physical ailments of a psychogenic nature: insomnia, digestive problems, vegetative-vascular dystonia, headaches and dizziness without neurological symptoms, etc. Loss of meaning in life and a feeling of loneliness. Increased irritability and unmotivated outbursts of anger. Panic attacks ( vegetative crises).Depression.Problems with self-realization, with building a career and choosing a life direction in general. Psychological counseling is aimed at providing specific assistance to people who have a need to understand themselves, their doubts, fears, problems of communication and social interaction, and, ultimately, adjust their behavior to be more successful. In psychological counseling, a number of methodological techniques are used, aimed at first of all, on a person’s awareness of the cause-and-effect relationships of the current problem. In this case, there is a desire to change some aspects of one’s “I” that were poorly understood before turning to a psychologist. For example, this is often observed with low self-esteem and self-doubt. Such assistance can only be provided by professionally trained specialists in the field of assessment and application of various types of psychological assistance. They are guided by a professional code of ethics and knowledge of modern effective psychocorrectional approaches, differentiatedly selected for a person’s problems. Psychological counseling combines theory and practice, which are aimed at understanding a person’s problems, improving his adaptation and personality development. The focus of psychological counseling is on the intellectual, emotional, personal and characterological characteristics of a person’s behavior in his specific life situations. Basic ethical principles of the professional activity of a consulting psychologist The principle of professional competence. A psychologist must be clearly aware of his capabilities and act only within the limits of his professional preparedness. The principle of non-harm to a person. The main ethical principle of a psychologist, like a doctor, is “do no harm.” The principle of respect for the client. The psychologist must strive to develop and maintain a sense of trust in the client, excluding positions of patronage and guardianship. Maintaining professional confidentiality.