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The most important thing is to educate by example. About how to do this in this article https://www.b17.ru/article/15072/It is advisable to realize that the child is a separate person. At the same time, accept the fact that children are separate individuals who do not belong to you. It is important to understand that a child is an independent person who, for some time, has a common destiny with us. It is wrong to consider children as your property. At the same time, there is a great temptation to consider a child as your property. After all, a mother who carried a fetus under her heart for nine months tends to perceive the baby as literally a part of her own body. The child’s father sees in him his continuation and begins to mold him into a model of his best self. The task of parents is only to ensure that they cultivate in the child the qualities of a good person, to help develop innate abilities and inclinations for activity, even if these inclinations do not coincide with parental preferences. It is not always the son of a doctor who becomes a doctor. In order to influence a child, you need to establish a respectful relationship with him. Everything else is secondary. If you look at how many parents interact with their children, you will see that they simply do not respect their individuality. If you don't respect your child, he won't respect you either. As long as there is no respect, he will not perceive your words. Until he perceives your words, all educational actions are meaningless. Therefore, give up the idea of ​​​​"pressing" the child, start respecting him. Remember - if you regularly repeat to a child that he is not capable of anything, this will lead to his degradation. The child’s self-esteem will fall and complexes will begin to form. The suggestions will bear fruit quite quickly - he will really become incapable of anything. Later, in adulthood, it will be difficult for him to make decisions and take responsibility. It is rare that a parent allows a child to make mistakes. Meanwhile, the child needs his own experience, otherwise his development stops, he enters adulthood unmature and unprepared. Parents are afraid that the child will harm himself, and surround him with excessive care and guardianship. A child came into the world to act, but from all sides they tell him: “Don’t meddle, don’t touch, you can’t, don’t do this.” Mistakes teach faster than a thousand words - you can say many times that the candle is hot and should not be touched, or you can give the child the opportunity to not get too burned once, so that he gets an experience that he will remember for the rest of his life. Naturally, everything should be within the framework of common sense - you shouldn’t stand and watch a child shove a fork into a socket. The most surprising thing is that at first the parents forbid gaining experience and learning, and then they reproach the child: “Your hands grow from the wrong place. You’re doing everything wrong.” This behavior of parents provokes the development of an inferiority complex. He thinks: “It would be better for me not to do anything at all than for them to laugh at me.” In childhood, mistakes are easily forgiven, but in adulthood they are no longer so. When becoming an adult, a person is inactive for fear of making mistakes, or makes mistakes that are already unforgivable for adults. Give value to your child's ideas and opinions. Don’t brush aside his advice and suggestions, give him the opportunity to speak out. One of the main principles of education sounds like this: - “A child always listens to someone who respects him.” And in parenting, the most important thing is that your child listens and hears you. Therefore, the most important rule in raising children is: “Whoever masters the ears and mind of a child is his true educator.” Cultivate in your child respect for his own personality. However, make it clear the difference between dignity and selfishness, and help them learn to respect the rights and freedoms of other people. How to competently punish a child without humiliating or insulting him? The guilty one.