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There are two events in the life of every person that no one can avoid: birth and death. When parents die, it is a bitter, painful event for children. But this is something that we must survive one way or another. Dying is not a severance of connection, but a strengthening of internal strength, fertilizing the soil on which an adult grows himself. This is the clarity that it is now necessary to turn more often to the internal, rather than to the external. The world retains its image, but this image must become clearer and more defined. When we look at the world and realize the real facts of the existence of birth and death, then we can more boldly look at ourselves, at our Real Self, listen to ourselves, be in silence, not be distracted, take our time. The death of parents allows us to face our fears face to face and, what is most difficult, forces us to reconsider many ideas, attitudes, and rules. At the moment of experiencing the grief of loss, we come into contact with familiar feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, from which we tried so hard to escape... and demonstrated the ability to “adapt well.” In the situation of the death of a loved one, all attempts to hide from the truth of one’s feelings are pointless. The Main Meaning is to Feel, Understand, Accept, Reconcile with the fact that a loved one is not on Earth. Parents are the people through whom a person comes into the world. And when the parents leave, a deep feeling of loneliness arises, a feeling of complete independence... and at the same time, the fear that “now, I make all the decisions myself, I choose.” The process of acceptance can be expressed in a few words: tears, silence, recollection, memory. Tears are what help us mourn the loss and release the pain. Tears are the healing power of nature, giving us the purification of our eyes, thoughts and feelings. There was a squeeze in my chest, a lump in my throat, And my teeth clenched in a frenzy, When I felt a burning sensation Right above my heart with a chill And a feeling of pain and shame, Because I am angry at that moment When I should shout: “trouble” And cry bitterly with regret... Sometimes people become numb , lose all sensitivity and understanding of what is happening, which is why Tears are the first to bring us back to reality. To cry is to free yourself from the illusion that everything can still be returned. Death gives us a chance to feel Life, and the death of a loved one, a Parent, reconciles us with our past and allows us to calmly move along our life path... It is very important to treat death with respect. With respect - this means not blaming yourself for what was left unsaid and unfinished. Don't waste your precious vitality on feelings of guilt. But, if you still can’t overcome your guilt...then you need to help yourself and work through these “gnawing” feelings of guilt and shame. How you can do this: be sure to have a heart-to-heart talk with yourself. A soul-to-soul conversation with oneself should take place in an atmosphere of “strictest secrecy.” This is an intimate conversation between you and yourself. Inside yourself, ask for forgiveness from your parents, who are represented in your genes and feelings. Ask for forgiveness for the fact that: “I rarely called”, “I wasn’t interested in how you were living”, “yelled at you”, “argued, didn’t understand”, “was offended, condemned”, “offended and didn’t listen”, “was ashamed of you ", "laughed at you"... and . d. everyone will say their own. What else does it mean that death reconciles with the past? If we were offended by our parents for something, then now is the time to free ourselves from the burden of resentment. Let yourself out of prison, get the key and open the door to the realization that “NO ONE IS TO GUILTY”...I’m not talking about forgiving your parents...they are elders, you cannot forgive them, I’m talking about knowing that everything happened as it should, that is why you are Alive Now. The fact that you are Alive is enough, this is the mission of parents, we can do the rest ourselves. Sometimes with Labor, with Incredible efforts, overcoming Resistance, Fears, Laziness... but we can. We can do a lot, almost everything ourselves, but we cannot give birth to ourselves! For all this, through resentment, it is important to come out in Gratitude... Then comes a moment of silence. Silence is complete!!!