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(1) Loss of income. You were fired.(2) Unexpected large expenses. You got sick, crashed your car, etc. Our savings help us maintain stability in “hard times.” But this banal thought comes to mind too late - only after a person finds himself “broke.” After which he begins (1 ) blame the government, (2) scold the authorities, (3) demand social benefits and “forgive” his loans, (4) write angry comments on social networks. But it was enough to save up a certain amount. Which will “lender a shoulder” when a “dark streak” occurs. But until the rooster pecks, the man and his woman will not cross themselves. Maybe it's time to come to your senses? After all, it’s not a child’s age anymore. 1) “Being a millionaire” is cool When you see millions in your account, then on Monday morning you realize that you don’t need to go to work. Just like on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, and on Thursday... You are free to choose how you live, what to do, what activities to fill your day with. But there is one mental point that many do not understand. “Becoming a millionaire” does not have nothing to do with money. It is entirely in our heads - in our habits and stereotypes that we are guided by, and which penetrate into all areas of our lives. This is why I recommend that all my regular readers find any book on financial literacy. To recognize the mistakes we make day after day, year after year, decade after decade. It's time to put your money to work. It's time to stop depending on money. 2) Go where there is a lot of competition. It means that there is money in this area. There are people willing to pay you money. A few important notes: (1) A niche that is too narrow will not be able to “feed” you - due to the fact that there is too little money in it. (2) Find your individuality, don't be afraid to be yourself. “Be ordinary” = “Be like everyone else” = Be left without money and a decent career. (3) Strive to “be the best” in your field. Don't get stuck in one place for a long time. There, your knowledge and professional skills will quickly “rotate.” (4) Make it a rule to replenish your “stash” every month. The thicker it is, the higher your ambitions. And the level of our income always follows the size of our ambitions. * How long have you “measured” your ambitions? 3) The “American Dream” has ceased to be American. The essence of the dream is set out in the fairy tale about Cinderella - and it lies in the fact that each of us can succeed in life and even “become a millionaire.” At the same time, It doesn’t matter at all from what starting point your life’s journey began. Each of us has everything necessary to succeed in life and “grab Uncle Sam by the beard.” Today we see how the States and the West have lost the “palm” in the economy, first to China, and then to India. Africa and the East also want to have the “American Dream” - but with their own cultural characteristics. And they do it very well. Have you managed to realize what you want in your life? Or have you remained “Cinderella”? 4) “If there is little money” Then only you are to blame for this. Firstly, you have become uncompetitive in the labor market. Apparently, you haven’t changed your job for a long time and haven’t mastered the professional skills that are in demand. Secondly, you haven’t taught yourself to save. No savings = no investments = no passive income. Thirdly, expenses should not exceed income. This rule is broken when people take out loans. Fourth, the first thing we should do is buy “assets.” This is the only way we make ourselves rich. All other options = don’t work.5) The stock market started the week with confident growth. It is once again storming the highs achieved in stock trading on September 4. Let’s wish him good luck – and consistency for ourselves. After all, only this quality makes our investments profitable. Giving them the opportunity to multiply many times over - over long time horizons of investing money. Reminder: (1) Stay away from any speculative transactions. (2) Avoid purchasing securities from individual issuers. (3) Index funds only, long term only, long term onlydifferent currencies. (4) That’s the whole simple recipe for increasing money in the financial markets. (5) Well, a big “stash” will help us.6) What would you prefer? Save (1) 500 rubles a week, (2) 100 rubles a day, (3) 2000 rubles a month? While you are thinking about your answer, I will give you statistics. People more often agree to save 100 rubles a day than 2 thousand a month. However, those who started saving 100 rubles a day stopped doing so after 20-30 days. Unlike those who saved 2,000 rubles every month. What conclusions can be drawn from this? 7) Don’t rely on one source of income. Don’t take unnecessary risks. You can easily lose your job. Especially in our “incomprehensible days.” Set a goal for yourself - every quarter (six months or a year) to find an additional option for earning money. For example, this could be: (1) Launching an online business. (2) Consistent replenishment of the “securities portfolio” for the purpose of capital growth and receiving dividends. (3) Purchase of rental property. (4) Publishing content (including articles and books) to receive royalties, income from affiliate marketing and advertising.* I have all these types of income.8) Beginners in investments are “shoeed” and “undressed” Cynically taking money out of their pockets. Who is doing this? Not at all the state, which is trying with all its might to fight such practices of “relatively honest money taking.” Investment bankers, financial advisors, bank employees, insurance agents, and real estate agents are guilty of this. They use terms that appeal to investors, such as “low risk,” “high return,” or “loss protection,” as bait. .The fact is that people are afraid of losing their money invested in investments. Therefore, it is easy to reassure them with these cherished words promising the safety of the money invested. All scandals with such misleading (there is even a term for this - misselling) are caused by the fact that investments that were advertised as “low risk”, in fact, turned out to be not at all like this. This applies primarily to structured products/notes, life insurance, derivatives, etc. 9) Child's hand stuck in a vase with a narrow neck The child was holding an object in his fist, so his palm could not come out. Child cried loudly - and a crowd of relatives, neighbors and passers-by began to gather around him. Some vying with each other gave advice to alarmed parents on how to help the child pull his hand out of the vase. About 100 times the suggestion was made to fill the vase with oil to make it easier to slide. Others wondered what the child could have found there? Diamond, gold jewelry, key to a secret treasure room, etc. Still others suggested doing the most radical thing - breaking the vase and thereby freeing the child’s hand. But the vase was too valuable for the family, because... it was a keepsake and an ancient relic passed down from generation to generation. Therefore, the parents flatly refused this proposal. Several hours passed and - in the end - the vase was broken. Everyone rushed to look - what was so valuable that the child was clutching in his fist? He opened his palm and showed a 1-kopeck coin. Moral of the story: We must be willing to “make sacrifices.” But it would be reasonable to weigh all the arguments so that “the game is worth the candle.” What conclusion did you draw from this story? 10) We do not wear 50% of the clothes that are in our closets. This is the average statistics for the world. In wealthy countries, this percentage has not been worn for years of used clothes reaches 70%. The highest percentage is in Belgium - 88%. Just think about this figure! Also, count the money you spent on purchasing your clothes. And which you end up not wearing. Indeed, we = people = strange creatures. Perhaps this is why the fan movement of “minimalists” is growing, the key principle of which is “be content with less.” They rarely shop, but buy high-quality durable items. And if the thing