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Why doesn’t talking with a friend over a glass of wine solve your problem? Yes, you will feel better, you will speak out, your friend will console you, sympathize and support you at the moment . This is enough to solve some issues and problems. Assuming that your friend does not invalidate your feelings. By discussing the problem with your friend, you can reassure yourself that you will begin to assert your boundaries; you will not take your anger out on your child; leave this tyrant; love yourself, etc. But, if only it were that simple. It’s very difficult to suddenly start doing something or stop doing something. Often you run out of strength, you drive yourself into a corner, you don’t see how you can solve the problem, or you don’t dare solve it, using various excuses. Bottom line, you meet with a friend and once again discuss a topic that bothers you. Do you know why this happens? Your wonderful, good friend can advise you on good solutions to problems, but he will never be in your place, he does not feel the way you feel , he has a different background, he is fundamentally different, and due to the fact that he is your friend (this applies to friends, acquaintances, relatives) he cannot adequately, from the outside, look at your problem and help you solve it. Also, we cannot always talk honestly with a friend and show our negative feelings; we are afraid to offend, upset, or show our vulnerability. We must always remember that a friend is a living person, with his own traumas, values, and ideas about life. Friendship is impossible without emotional involvement in each other. By turning to a friend for help, you can place a psychologically unbearable burden on him and now he will feel bad because of the information you shared. A psychologist, in fact, is a complete stranger to you who maintains neutrality, he does not give advice, it helps you overcome personal barriers to making decisions that you and only you make. All the feelings that you experience while working with a psychologist: joy, anger, fear, disgust, etc., are very important in working with a psychologist, it is safe to talk about them. A psychologist will never judge you, his task is to help you take a different look at your own life so that you yourself can cope with the problems that concern you. Your friend is not a psychologist, be careful with him.