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From the author: From my distance learning course “Plant of Life”, which is taking place right now. Conversations with participants. Last time we talked about the power of self-optimization that a living system has - the Universe, nature. This is the force that moves the planets and moves the rivers on the planet, makes water find its way and grass grow through the asphalt. And, since you and I are part of nature, this same force moves rivers of energy in our bodies, in our psyche, that is, mental processes. We don't know how our scratches heal, but somehow they do. And purely logically, this means that in order to launch the process of self-optimization in the body and psyche, you need to allow this waltz “Perpetual Motion” to be - get into rhythm with it, let go of your Western, white, very smart and controlling head, in which there are many different attitudes, understandings about how the world works, and, of course, ways to escape from the Force in your own life. And if you let go of your head and... And then oops, complexity. One of you wrote: “Yes, in Western society there is no initiation, yes, we are not thrown out of the nest into this life. But no one teaches us to fly. After all, before chicks are thrown into flight, they are taught to fly. And we? If we are thrown out of the nest, we will simply break!” This is an important remark, but the mistake is that we are not talking about training, but about initiation. Which has practically disappeared as a phenomenon in Western culture. We are familiar with learning - a step-by-step, step-by-step, procedural process of mastering a certain “knowledge, ability, skill.” Logically verified process. But initiation is something completely different. Initiation is a leap for which one cannot prepare. I had a relative who studied trigonometry until his mustache drooped, and when he learned everything, some kind of morra came and ate him. Yes, and after that he lay in Morra's belly, so smart. Memoirs of Moominpappa. Tove Jansson I remember the film “Avatar”, which one of the readers cited in the comments - about living contact with the great force of nature. The moment where Jake is taught the elements of warrior skill - how to shoot, run, jump, control the body, and then they say: “It looks like you are ripe to become a warrior!” And he is brought to a large rock where pterodactyl dragons sit, beautiful predatory creatures of this world, on which the locals fly. And they tell Jake: “You must become a warrior. You must choose him, and he must choose you.” Jake asks, “How will I know he chose me?” - “If he chooses you, he will try to kill you.” Tell me, is it possible to prepare for this? You can only decide on this. Initiation is death. You die in one capacity to be born in another. The same goes for the fight with the Shadow. Why do we avoid looking at it with our eyes wide open? Not in the safety of an office month after month, mostly verbally. But in fact, to essentially look into your Shadow? Today one of the participants wrote: “Yes, I don’t want to look there, because I know that there is such a dark force there that I’m not sure that I can resist, I won’t confuse between the divine and the demonic, I had a case in my life when I “I cursed it, and I know what dark force can rise through me.” And we are afraid of this dark force that exists in each of us. We are afraid because we feel that if we come into contact with her, she will try to kill us. This is true. But until we come into contact with her, she constantly attacks us. This separated “dark” part attacks from behind and overpowers us. Through dreams, through illnesses, through life events. From the back. What happens in Avatar when a warrior chooses a dragon, the dragon chooses him, and they fight? The warrior's task is to show his strength, and then contact occurs. Remember that wonderful moment when Jake connects his scythe to the dragon and they start flying together? From now on they act as a single organism. This is how we appropriate the rejected energy. And we become more powerful. In this process, it is not so important whether what we ourselveswe appropriate, with a specific biographical episode (I'm talking about repression). We are not interested in a specific day, its calculation, or investigation of the details. It is much more important that you decide to go into what is rejected, lost, hostile. It doesn’t even matter whether you understand or not what specific biographical content this is. It doesn't matter whether you remember the details or not. What is important is your decision that you go - turn around and.... There is a magnificent passage from Serkin when they ask the shaman: “How do they build canoes if they don’t know how?” - and the shaman says: “They just make a decision and build, because goal setting is more important than skill.” - How do they convey experience? - What do you mean? - Well, they don’t know how to count, there are no drawings. How do they build such canoes?– They decide to build and build, looking at other canoes.– That is, there are not even special craftsmen?– The main thing is not skill, but goal-setting.– This is probably the specificity of their culture?– Any culture.– Well, they You can’t build a ship for us just by wishing it. – Who is Kuzma by education? – In my opinion, a former artilleryman. – And Vovchik? – Radio engineer. – And Genka? – Got it. There is not a single shipbuilder among them. “And how did they build their ship?” “I saw it myself.” They cut up the abandoned fleet and boiled their own right on the sand. - Good? - Passable, probably good. - Don't be deceitful. The ship is excellent. Better than factory ones. Previously, they were called undesigned, but now the fisheries inspection and border guards call them unlimited because of their running and storm qualities. Well, how did they do it? – Indeed. I didn’t think about it. “I’m telling you: they had a goal, and they began to act.” The rest fell into place. “Are the Evelny in the city weak because they have no goal?” “Yes.” As long as they change and buy, they hold up well. And then they start hanging around without a goal "Freedom of the Shaman" Vladimir Serkin. To find within myself the determination to move forward, knowing with absolute certainty that what I was going through would try to kill me. From what point can this be done? Well, of course, hearing the Call from where the great power of self-organization comes from. The system knows how to recover. There is something greater that knows how to heal us. And if you and I find in ourselves this contact with this force greater than our ego - something that we are used to considering ourselves in so-called reality, if you and I hear a call from there - we will call it God, or we will call it the cosmos, or we call it the whole, the uncreated, or we call it the Self - we feel that there is something greater than the "I", limited by everyday knowledge. There is something immeasurably greater that this principle of Universal self-organization carries within itself. And this greater thing is immeasurably wiser than I can be from my small limited ego. And I can try to find a state, a challenge from this infinity, which is outside and inside, in space - and at the same time in every cell, the infinity that makes the planets and stars walk along this mathematically precise, lacy orbit. She controls the processes of the planets, and she also controls our processes. Even if it is scary to face the Force, you can get through it. And then it will become different. Being on the threshold of their own metamorphosis, the caterpillars saw a butterfly for the first time. The orthodox conservative caterpillar snorted: “This is illegal and immoral.” We need to arrest this irresponsible person and put her in a cage. Let him crawl on the ground like the rest of us. The technologist caterpillar sighed heavily and said bitterly: “I will never become one of them.” The progressive liberal caterpillar exclaimed rhetorically: “How dare this frivolous creature fly freely when butterflies in Bangladesh have no color TVs, and the butterflies of Ethiopia are starving? The Buddhist caterpillar arrogantly said, “O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? As soon as I sit in the lotus position, I will fly into the astral plane. And the Christian caterpillar crossed itself and muttered reproachfully: “If God wanted caterpillars to fly, he would give us wings.” Timothy Leary If you liked the article, please click the button "say thanks"! This will help the article rise in the rankings, and then it will be able to! )