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From the author: About the imagination as a place for the formation of thoughts and stories for preschoolers and joint child-parent creativity When in a group of 6-year-old preschoolers I handed out dolls woven from threads to parents and asked them to dress them, it was assumed that they this will be done together with the children, since the demonstration of the dolls should have been accompanied by a story about the doll. But what was my surprise that some parents dressed dolls without children, which the children spoke about with regret. This can be explained by two reasons: I did not emphasize that dolls should be dressed together with children, another reason, in my opinion, is the interest of mothers in task as if it were your own. It’s like in kindergarten, they ask you to make a craft for an exhibition, so the parents try. It should be noted that each parent approached the task creatively, each doll is simply a heroine from a fairy tale, but the fairy tale itself was not invented, although this was also a task. The athlete doll The joint work of children and parents creates interest in children, enriches their little experience, and develops creativity , forms self-esteem. Those children who took part in joint creativity told with pride that they tried to sew on a typewriter or helped their mother. Monologue speech It is very sad that the parents only heard the first part of the task, to come up with and make an outfit for a doll, that’s what is needed together with As a child, none of the parents remembered to write a story for the heroine, so there were no stories. A skier doll is a very necessary experience for a child. The fact is that children in older preschool age should be taught to compose short stories, invent fairy tales and stories. This is a very important process in the development of a preschooler. Previously, grandmothers taught this, telling their children different stories, now many grandmothers work and do not often visit their grandchildren. And children need to be taught verbal creativity because... it is responsible for monologue speech, by which we mean the preschooler’s ability to coherently and consistently report on any facts or phenomena of the surrounding world. Monologue speech is a thought process that a child builds based on his own experience, observations, previously acquired knowledge, and developed imagination. A developed imagination forms in a child the ability to: deviate from standard ideas, think variably within the framework of one topic, create new images and forms in the imagination, changing and supplementing them. It is in the imagination that the senior preschooler learns to think and plan his actions. Malvina doll This type of task revealed that it is necessary to emphasize the development of monologue speech next year, and also to convey to parents that the coming summer can serve as a source of inspiration for the development of the child’s creative imagination in joint stories and fairy tales invented together. Cinderella doll Dear parents, fantasize, invent with your children, and you will see how your child thinks, what he dreams about, how he decides to act in a given situation. Such work not only develops the child, but will also give you the opportunity to understand his thoughts and actions. Good luck! Queen doll