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Not long ago, one girl approached me with the following question: “What circumstances, from a psychological point of view, can make a person an obsessive lover of cats?” I am interested in this topic because as a child I loved cats very much, it was an outlet for me. By the way, the feeling of loneliness also accompanied me. I had a cat who gave birth only with me. It gave me significance, it made me more important. I felt that she understood me, and I understood her too. I have also heard about many cases when a woman, for example, keeps about twenty cats in her apartment, it is difficult for her to keep them, the apartment is unsanitary, there is a bad smell, the neighbors are indignant, but nothing changes. I think there are cases where this is already a mental diagnosis, where they are trying to convey to a person that the situation is abnormal, but he is sure that everything is fine with him and does not listen to anything. I will discuss this topic about a healthy person who, for example, has cats, he feels dependent on them, wants to learn more about it, understand what to do with it. So, answering the question, what could be the circumstances that contribute to the adoration of cats? 1) A person feels emptiness and loneliness, pain within himself, and a cat appears in his life. For example, when parting with a loved one, or these feelings accompany a person for most of his adult life. An animal can “close” these feelings and help cope with them. A feeling of importance and significance appears. 2) If the animal is perceived in reality by some close person, for example, a child, son, daughter. Most likely, the animal was identified with this person. 3) Reaching a certain age. For example, the children have grown up and moved away, and thanks to the animals there is someone to take care of. 4) An animal replaces people, making up for the lack of communication. For example, there is a fear of communicating with people, and in this case cats are very safe and comfortable. I think this list can be continued. I will be glad if you add) What should you do if dependence on an animal worries you? It is important to think about this point: “What needs does my animal “fill”? You can remember Maslow’s Pyramid. For example, if your favorite animal gives a lot of attention , which means you can look at the option of additional communication with people. Or give attention to yourself, ask yourself more often, “What do you want now?”, and give yourself what you want. I would like to conclude that dependence on animals. also from dogs, it can be different. There may be a slight addiction, and this is normal when it does not interfere with a full life. But if you feel that it is already interfering, it is difficult to figure it out, then you can work with it. in therapy.