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From the author: Sometimes it seems as if some kind of inner light is emanating from a person, that he is “glowing”... What happens at such moments? Let's try to understand this article. When we glow, we are not afraid of any difficulties and trials... When we glow, even the rainiest day cannot darken our thoughts... When we glow, our smile is so natural that there is simply no other state of the facial muscles can exist...When we glow, the world again becomes big, mysterious and bright, and the trees become big...When we glow, we don’t need to fight for Love - because it’s already inside us...When we glow, we want to share this wonderful state with others, and not only with those closest to us, but also with those whom we see for the first time... When we glow, then any, even the most difficult, obligations seem like fluff, we lose the line between “I want and I need”... When we glow, we are full of strength, and we don’t need to wait for a signal to take the first step... When we glow, we are unable to be angry and offended at this moment, because we have nothing to protect and no one to fight with... When we glow, we can forgive, like this, truly, once and for all, as if we were releasing a balloon of our grievances into the sky... When we glow, we are pleasantly surprised by our reflection in the mirror, because at that moment we are not afraid to seem funny... When we glow, we don’t need anything explain and prove - we just feel it, and we know that it should be so... When we glow, we have no doubts - they dissolve in the rays of Faith... When we glow, we understand the joy of touch and the magic of hugs... When we glow, then all the doors of our soul open wide, and we have no need to hide anything or pretend... When we glow, we don’t feel tired, and even after a difficult day we can flutter like a butterfly, drawing strength literally from the air... When we glow, we are able, finally, put aside our expectations and stop controlling everything and everywhere... When we glow, we regain the ability to be surprised, even seeing once again the same faces, walls, landscapes... When we glow, then somewhere deep inside us, that the most secret door behind which hides the one with whom we have been waiting for so long... When we glow, we become the one who plays... When we glow, we become temporarily unable to judge anyone or anything, even ourselves !..When we glow, then, without even knowing it, we ourselves become a source of smiles, joy and light... When we glow, we become immortal, because time ceases to exist, because it is the same light as a year or two , ten, twenty ago, or when something joyful and bright happened to us for the first time!.. When we glow, we open up like a flower, exposing our purity and fragility to the world at the same time, but it’s worth it: having taken off the spacesuit of seriousness, correctness, impeccability , which the ego “carefully” attached to us, we find ourselves in a new, undeveloped territory, every moment of our stay on which we will then remember for an eternity... After all, it is in such moments that we feel that we do not just exist... When we glow, we live !.. Thank you for being mentally together! Vostrukhov Dmitry Dmitrievich, psychologist, psychotherapist Return to Yourself! Light, Goodness and Love to you! I will be glad to meet you on the pages of my other articles: → All my publications are here ←