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In my practice, I work a lot with requests related to personal life. One of the most common of them is how to start this very personal life. My clients often ask me the following questions: How to make a first impression? What to talk about? Who should pay in a cafe - a man, or both? Should you bring gifts on your first date? How to make the first date turn into a second, third, etc.? This list can be continued for a very long time. All these requests can be summarized into one - how to behave on the first date in order to please a potential partner? Very often clients come to me after a date and say something like: “Everything went terribly, I behaved stupidly, the date didn’t go well, there is no continuation, time and money are wasted, I am suffering.” Below I want to give some tips on how to make sure that the date is not wasted. - Understand what you personally need from the date. It's difficult to get the desired result without understanding what you need. Try to answer yourself honestly, what are you looking for? Future wife/husband? Partner for a while? Good company for the evening? Friend? Sex? As soon as you can answer this question for yourself, you will know exactly what you expect from a date and what result will be acceptable to you. - Be yourself. The phrase may seem hackneyed and banal. However, it is the key to success in dating in particular, and in your personal life in general. Confidence in communicating with the opposite sex largely comes when you do not invent beautiful legends for yourself in order to appear better than you are, but behave naturally. When you are not making things up, you are not lying, and accordingly there is no point in you being afraid that your “conspiracy” will be revealed and everything will not go according to plan. In particular, you can be sure that if your dating goals were achieved, then your partner liked you not for some material or imaginary values, but for who you are as a person and a person. - No one owes anyone anything. The phrase is a little less hackneyed, but no less important. There are no dating laws. Conventionally, a young man is not obliged to accompany a girl home and buy her coffee, and a girl is not obliged to repay a guy with sex for a delicious dinner and flowers. Moreover, you don’t even have to spend a boring date until the end - you can pick up and leave at any time. When you first meet, you are strangers who do not owe each other anything. - Don’t be discouraged. A date is most often a lottery. In fact, you know almost nothing about a person beyond the first idea. Accordingly, you may not like him in personal communication. Or he may not like you either. Or both of you may not like each other. This is absolutely normal, everyone has the right to choose, and everyone decides with whom to spend time and with whom not. If something doesn’t work out, don’t be upset and give up on your personal life. Nobody ever said that finding your person is an easy task. But when you find it, you will understand that everything that happened before was not done in vain.