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Yesterday a little girl asked me: “Who are you?” And I answered her with my name. I would answer the same question at a parent meeting “Mom.” At work - “Psychologist”; to friends - “Girlfriend”; and for my husband I am “Wife” or “Beloved Woman”...Have you ever noticed that we behave differently in different places, in different statuses and with different people? And we don't feel the same. The natural function of our psyche is to divide into as many different parts as we like, satisfying our needs by living and playing many roles: mother, daughter, sister, colleague, neighbor, wife, professional... We consist of many selves, which are called subpersonalities. And these subpersonalities can live together, but they can come into conflict and even harm each other. For example, the subpersonalities “Mother” and “Free Woman”, “Wife” and “Girlfriend”, “Husband” and “Son” often fight among themselves, permanently defeating each other and gaining the upper hand. And the subpersonality responsible for a career is not friends with anyone at all and always tries to command... Do you know what happens if one of the subpersonalities seizes power? We get stuck in one of our roles, for example, in the role of “Mother”, “Wife” or “Bad Person”, losing contact with other parts of ourselves, becoming impoverished, exhausted and moving only in one direction. And then expect trouble. The whole point is that each of our subpersonalities carries within itself its own resource, its own energy and its own strength. And the loss of contact with it is fraught with the loss of this resource, which means our disharmonious filling or even complete apathy. Have you ever watched the musicians of a symphony orchestra play? Everyone plays their own part on their instrument and enters into their own time. And if you leave only one musician, even the best one, what will happen? This is how it is with our subpersonalities. Each of them has their own part, their own time to enter the game called “Life” and their own musical instrument. And we conduct this orchestra, choose the melody of our life and assign the musicians to the parts ourselves. Do you want to enjoy life and be inspired by the lace of its sound? Stop identifying yourself with one of your subpersonalities, remember that you have a whole “orchestra” of them, each musician of which is useful with his own resource. Just take the baton into your hands...Olga Karavanova, clinical psychologist