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Read this article if you don't want to just sit in a soft place and are ready to change. Ready to make your life brighter, richer and more interesting. To get away from routine, unloved work, melancholy and fatigue and come to the point of doing what you love, having time to find time for yourself and for rest, happily communicating with your children and husband. However, make any changes in your life it can be difficult. Laziness, lack of self-confidence, and doubts from loved ones interfere. And at these moments it is important to understand that you are not alone on this path, that many women have gone through it before you, just like you, ordinary mothers with their complexes and other “cockroaches”. Find out how they found strength, what helped them, how they experienced failures and how they ultimately achieved their goals. And inspired by their success, continue to move forward. It is precisely for this purpose that my colleague Natalya Filippova collected the stories of ordinary women, combining them into a book with the telling title “Book of Changes.” Natalya could have valued this book in dollars or rubles, but did not do so, because... thinks this book is priceless. Therefore, she offers to get it for free. How to get a book that will change your life, read here http://mamina-kariera.ru/dlya-vseh-mam/nashli-lyubimuyu-rabotu.html Since you have read the article up to these lines, then perhaps you will be interested in reading excerpts from the stories of those mothers who told about themselves on the pages of the book. Perhaps in them you will recognize your current problems and experiences. Here is what one of the mother-authors of the book, Julia, writes: “... I was a young girl who became a young mother. I happily plunged into a new role for myself and devoted myself entirely to my daughter. And I got so carried away that I completely forgot about myself. I woke up when I saw a faded look in the mirror... I won’t say that everything was easy and simple for me. Like any mother, my nerves gave in and I wanted to give up everything and continue my old life, but I didn’t allow myself to do that. I understood that if I turned halfway, I would never forgive myself for this, I simply could not be happy. I learned and am still learning to control myself and my emotions. Gradually, I developed a system of behavior and thinking that helps me raise two wonderful girls without unnecessary nerves and stress. We live in harmony and joy." Here is the story of Galina's mother: "For a long time I lived a life that was not my own... I had little understanding of what I really wanted. I went to a job I didn’t like, looking for a way out. … All my life I’ve been in a hurry to get somewhere – to live, to act, to study. Only when I was on maternity leave did I realize that I was doing the wrong thing. I wasted a lot of time on things that don't matter to me now. …. Just a few years ago I was terribly unsure of myself. She did not know how to defend her point of view and her rights. She always kept in the shadows, even if she knew the answer well - she was silent. ... And as an adult, I suffered from excessive modesty, shyness and indecisiveness. When I realized my problem, I spent a long time learning to love myself, accept myself, and remember myself and my desires. Having gone through all the difficulties, I promised myself that I would do everything possible so that my children would not have such problems. … This is what my life looks like now. I blog, conduct trainings, write articles and books, and develop further. I don’t forget about my family” Or the stories of another mother, Yaroslavna: “A young girl of about 25 is trying to put her one-year-old daughter to bed. Lerochka “hangs” on her chest all the time, sleeps only with her mother and does everything in her life only with her mother. The latter cannot even take a shower alone. She has long forgotten what oh-di-no-honest is. ... Everything is fine with her, this mother. But there is absolutely no time for herself, there is no time to go for a manicure, there is no time to lie in the bathroom, the creative energy that has always been overflowing in her is stagnant. And one thought always sits in her head: in six months she will have to give!