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From the author: I bring to the attention of my colleagues the summary for the master class for parents "About children's fears". Children's fears, in general, are a normal phenomenon that accompanies the development and social adaptation of the child. But if they do not correspond to the age, are experienced too emotionally or begin to depress the child, then special classes are required to combat them. Any fear is accompanied by a complex set of reactions from our autonomic nervous system and becomes a habit in the body. So, if with age the psychological component of fear is lost (for example, a normal adult will not be afraid of the dark or branches outside the window), then the vegetative reaction to frightening circumstances remains. The most common consequences of childhood fears are associative memories, accompanied by palpitations, sweating, and a feeling of lack of air , urge to go to the toilet, a feeling of muscle weakness (cotton leg syndrome). I. Reasons for the emergence of fears in children FAMILY REASONS: Conditional love - for educational purposes, parents tell the child: “If you behave badly, we will not love you.” The child believes because he is not yet aware that people can think one thing and say another. The child begins to think badly about himself, his self-esteem and self-confidence suffer. Parents evaluate not the child’s actions, but his personality. Not “You did wrong,” but “You are a bad boy.” To make it easier to use this rule, let's do an exercise: Remember any conflict situation from your parental experience. Fill out the table: Date Problem situation What feelings did the child’s behavior evoke in me What was my reaction Was there an assessment of the child’s personality in my words How could a value judgment be avoided