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Everyone loves good relationships with nice people. But sometimes these relationships end for one reason or another. Either love passes, or - in the case of friendship - interests change, and communication comes to naught. And then people show a side of themselves that a friend/lover has not yet seen. They show how they break up. According to my observations, here people are divided into only two groups: Those who, in any situation of separation (made the decision themselves leave or they were “abandoned” - it doesn’t matter) maintain constructive communication and respect for the former partner. Usually these are solid natures with high self-esteem. They can feel as sorry for the relationship as they like, but they don’t lose their heads so much that they forget all the good things that happened in that relationship. Therefore, they do not stop communicating with their partner as with a dear person, with appropriate respect and sympathy. Those who, in a situation of separation, try to “burn bridges,” most often by insulting their partner, or trying to somehow ruin his life. For such people, the end of a relationship means a small end of the world. Even if the partner was not very loved and dear to them, when he decides to leave, the person loses ground under his feet. You can talk for a long time about the reasons for such a reaction (of course, they come from childhood), but the fact is this: instead of an adequate and polite person, an evil troll appears in front of a former friend or lover, who spews the dirtiest insults and accusations. If at this moment you ask such a troll how he could spend so much time with such a terrible, in his words, partner, he will not be able to answer, because this stream of insults is irrational, and is not particularly connected with the partner. This is the cry of a small child about being left alone... But we are adults, and no one except the person himself is obliged to take care of his emotional comfort. Each of us has enough breakups in life. And if someone breaks up solely because of a scandal, and then cannot calm down for a long time, then either this is “his life, his choice,” or a reason to visit a psychologist.