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Due to the unfavorable epidemiological situation, restrictive measures are gradually being introduced and many people are switching to online work. Fellow psychologists and psychoanalysts, including me, are switching to online mode too. Yes, we, of course, work with internal reality, but no one has canceled the external reality that invaded so suddenly. It’s not easy to live and it’s not easy to work in such conditions. The online mode is not as effective as face-to-face psychoanalytic help, but for us, professionals, one should think about: - supporting the principle of reality and common sense, critical thinking - observing the law, relying on official recommendations, including those introduced in other countries - relying on the experience of foreign colleagues (for example, today the Paris Psychoanalytic Society SPP temporarily, but completely suspended its work) - we should have our own civil position on this issue, even if all these measures somehow violate psychoanalytic technique and affect the personnel - our professional supports, foundation. I would like to draw attention , that this is especially important for all people in helping professions, because we must take care of others. Our patients identify with us, and if we don't have law and order in our heads, then perhaps we are somehow useless in this general chaos. Now for the rest of us, ordinary people. Sometimes a banana is just a banana, but here we are coronavirus is no longer just a coronavirus. This virus affects the entire life experience of every person, including the earliest experience, and now we see how it mutates: some people buy toilet paper en masse, others buy pasta, others buy nothing at all they buy because “there is no coronavirus.” And instead of experiencing and coping mentally, a person can only cope with this behaviorally, or even somatically (by going into another illness), due to helplessness and powerlessness in this situation, and regression. With every news read, remark, hysteria in the media or social networks, a person can plunge to the bottom of anxiety, into the abyss of horror. In addition, other events can “knock” from the bottom, including the earliest, preverbal ones, which are “remembered only by the body” and are poorly understood by the head. Previous life experience comes to life. Some people have feelings of abandonment, abandonment. For some, anger is relevant because of imposed frameworks, forced passivity, broken plans. For some, sadness is associated with the experience of loss: freedom, security, confidence, stability, dreams and plans. For some, this is a fear associated with the fear of death, disability, pain and suffering. For some, it is both this and that, and something else, and all in an extremely confused state. General anxiety, which is generally intended to serve us for our benefit, to predict, anticipate the future, help and guide us, today can be excessive and therefore traumatic. But there is something we can do in this situation: - Observe self-isolation, this is the most effective measure · in order to reduce the burden on our healthcare, · in order to minimize the epidemiological surge, · in order to provide a variety of qualified medical care to everyone , and not just for coronavirus patients. Other diseases have not been canceled; specialists are also needed there to take care of those people who are at risk. - think about self-discipline, observe the rules of hygiene - read exclusively official news sites and determine the maximum time for this reading - be sure to observe quarantine upon returning from trips abroad - and remember that self-isolation can be useful And, of course, after all this it makes sense to look to the future with hope. By the way, while you are reading these lines, the future is gradually approaching. I am glad if it, at least for a short time, was painted in more pleasant tones. And if this is not so, if it is very alarming, very bad and impossible !