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Sages compare a woman to a child, because her feelings are very strong, her mood is changeable, she is inclined to follow her “want” and choose what will bring her more pleasure and joy. She wants here and now rather than later and in the future, her actions can be completely illogical and unreasonable, she can be very naive and susceptible to deception, she quickly becomes attached and, like a child, does not want to give what is hers. She looks at others and wants the same, and if it doesn’t work out, she gets offended and angry. And these are not offensive epithets at all, it just means that every woman needs protection to have her opposite next to her. The one whose reason can overcome feelings, and whose logic is irrationality, who will give her river banks, and the flow - direction. There is an opinion that a modern woman is a strong woman. She is independent, intelligent, focused, successful, she is no longer that little child, but even if this is so, she still remains a woman, so she is influenced by the same laws of nature. Rare women, at least young girls, will claim that they do not need a “soul mate”; perhaps it is now popular to postpone having children, but everyone wants love. And now, finally, love has come. In ancient times, and in some places now, it came through parents who selected a good groom, but now parents do not care about this, so love comes on its own in ways incomprehensible to us. And now the feelings become so strong that the lovers are already setting up a cozy nest in order to spend as much time together as possible. Breakfast in bed, dinner by candlelight, and after some time the girl confidently admits to her friends that she is in a civil marriage and is incredibly happy. A civil marriage, by definition, is a marriage concluded in an administrative institution like a registry office, without a church or some other religious ceremony. In other words, it is implied that marriage is made in heaven, so understand it as you wish. Apparently the Supreme God and the god Cupid have different powers and coverage areas. What Cupid pleases may not please God. But we will leave this topic for now and return to it later. Times are changing and civil marriage has begun to be called simply cohabitation. The word is not very poetic, probably used somewhere in judicial matters. “We just love each other, and it’s good for us to be together,” the girl usually says. And at this very place we will begin to divide the word “we” into “guy” and “girl”, “man” and “woman”, as it is more convenient for you. Since our topic is stated to be female, we will therefore examine possible prospects and the real situation of the fair half of this relationship. So, every woman wants to be happy, this is her important task, but happiness is a vague concept. But if we remember the pyramid of needs, we can note for ourselves that after satisfying all the basic physical needs, the highest values ​​come; we need self-respect, dignity, to see that others value and respect us, the opportunity to self-realize, to accept the highest moral and spiritual ideals. All severe mental states of depression and apathy lie in the inadequacy of these needs in our lives. We may not realize this until we face some crisis in our lives. It happens that the path to this crisis is paved by beliefs and actions that are in themselves opposed to the highest values. That is, in order to come to a complete loss of oneself, one’s dignity and self-respect, one must apparently walk along the wrong path for a long time. With this statement, I gently led to the question of whether cohabitation can give a woman dignity and self-respect, or is talking about this just relics of the past, puritanism and conservatism? There is an opinion that civil marriage is most convenient for a man. Men often choose something where they can do without much effort, with the exception of knights,ready to fight the dragons who, hopefully, are still alive. And not even because men are so lazy, but because modern culture has made life too simple. Everything is now on a silver platter, you no longer need to run after a mammoth, there are simpler ways to eat. And most women now grew up without protection, in single-parent families, without a father, or with indifferent fathers, with fathers of alcoholics, and naturally the desire to fill the missing link is very great. What lengths is a girl willing to go to to win love? The easiest option is to become comfortable for a man. Some may even know what it means to be a comfortable child at home, in kindergarten or school. This technique works to some extent, let's see what we're talking about: - There is a myth that a good way to bind or not lose a man is to enter into a sexual relationship with him, even if you don’t really know each other yet. One way or another, you will definitely become a comfortable girl for a man. After all, if you refuse, keep your distance, then it is very inconvenient with such a girl. - Pay for yourself in a restaurant, or agree to pay equally, buy food for a romantic dinner with your own money, work, giving a significant income to the needs of your chosen one. It means being a very comfortable girl. - Living in a civil marriage or cohabitation, perform all the functions of a wife when the man is fed to the fullest, washed, and ironed. This is a very comfortable girl. - Subordinate your interests to the interests of a man who, again, let me clarify, is not a husband. Do you have a lot of creative plans? Talent? Opportunities? Friends and colleagues? But you will sit at home and watch talk shows together. And you will be a very comfortable girl, unpredictable, interesting to others, successful - this is not very convenient, because you have to be in focus yourself. - Silent, who will not talk about her difficulties, her needs, who is afraid of being too emotional and natural. A very comfortable girl, but no more. - And then a miracle happened - someone else appeared in her stomach. If this does not coincide with the plans of your common-law husband, and you go to have an abortion, then you are already too convenient a girl, you are ready to do anything for the sake of this prince. - You don’t demand anything? Are you satisfied with everything? Congratulations, this is basically convenient for everyone. But what if, despite all the conveniences listed above, a civil prince gets on a horse and disappears forever in an unknown direction in search of a new princess? Imagine if you experimented more than once with this type of relationship, becoming more and more disappointed, and eventually meeting the one. Smart, kind, decent, almost a real prince, ready to make you his princess. He searched for a long time, waited, he is very serious in relationships and is ready to give his half everything, so he did not waste himself on fleeting connections. Can you honestly tell him about your life? Will it not hurt you because you did not appreciate your feminine nature, senselessly wasting your energy given to you to bring joy, dignity, inspiration, to be a beloved wife and mother? I promised that we will return to the topic of Cupid and God. The stamp in your passport is really only half the battle. It is said that if a woman wants to become happy at the expense of a man, then such an idea is already doomed to failure. Happiness can only be increased in the family, but multiplying any number by 0 we get only 0. For some, there may even be a discovery that this happiness does not even depend on having a dad, even a very good one. Always, if we accept the patronage of the Supreme “Man”, and in the ancient eastern Divinely revealed scriptures, He is described as the most beautiful, the strongest, the richest, the wisest and the most detached, then we will feel the same dignity, peace and happiness that we can already share with others too. The only negative is that in your life there will no longer be irresponsible men who will take advantage of you, lovers, slackers, alcoholics and abusers. In your life.