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People are social creatures. One way or another, a person, sooner or later, has to come into contact with society. The most common method of interaction is verbal communication. At work - with colleagues, on vacation - with friends, in a store - with the seller, and so on. Communication occurs unconsciously, which is why very often serious mistakes are made, which ultimately lead to, for example, quarrels with loved ones. That is why it is necessary to analyze your behavior during a conversation and correct shortcomings. Perhaps the main mistake of most people is the inability to hear what the interlocutor wants to say. Often, a person is consumed by an irresistible desire to put in his two cents, which leads to interruptions and a complete misunderstanding of the person with whom he is conducting a dialogue. This provokes a defensive reaction in the one who was interrupted or misunderstood, and gives rise to conflict. The situation gets worse if there is a dispute between people, and they fiercely defend their point of view. Often such verbal clashes develop into fights. So what can you do to improve your communication skills? Firstly, you need, no matter how trivial it may sound, to put yourself in the shoes of the person with whom you are communicating. It is worth answering the question to yourself: is it pleasant to be interrupted? The answer, of course, is obvious. After this, the desire to interfere in your friend’s speech will disappear by itself. The second piece of advice is to learn to accept alternative opinions. Very often, conflicts arise precisely because one of the parties is unwilling to compromise. We need to look at the world more broadly. The desire to learn something new only improves life, making your horizons much broader. The third way is politeness. Showing interest in your friend's words will encourage him to do the same, which will create a favorable, relaxed atmosphere during the dialogue. To summarize, it must be noted that ninety percent of success depends on practice. Only by communicating with more and more people can you develop the skill of high-quality communication. The majority does not attach any importance to this, believing that it does not make the slightest sense, thereby making a catastrophic mistake. Correct speech and the ability to conduct a conversation opens many doors. Therefore, it is worth starting now to work on yourself and correct your shortcomings, so that in the future you do not regret the missed moments of your life. If you need psychological help, sign up for a consultation https://www.b17.ru/ales10