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In small steps. Start with one. Make a choice: continue to live as before (with an unknown duration, sometimes for the rest of your life, skipping the lives of loved ones, your purpose and dreams) or get out of this swamp. The second step is to continue to do something anyway (go to work, try take care of your home and loved ones as much as possible). What is important is some effort, which is necessary and will definitely bear fruit. The main thing is not to start feeling sorry for yourself. I realized that self-pity is a toxic thing, it takes away the remaining energy, time and destroys the body. It is important to replace pity with self-care. You can say to yourself: “Yes, I feel bad now, but I will help you, my dear, let me give you something tasty, let’s do something useful, just don’t lie there, don’t go into this quagmire!” Otherwise, depression goes to psychiatry, from where it is more difficult to get out, but it is possible - with the same steps. My depression lasted seven years, I did not take antidepressants. Psychological training helped me. Although later I realized that going to a psychotherapist is more profitable both in terms of money and time (at the trainings they give general knowledge for everyone, they work with different people, although other stories can also be instructive). My depression was associated with systemic, birth events. For others it may be different. What also helped me was that I was looking for my purpose, I was simply moving towards something that I considered important and that I had long dreamed of (I found out where the courses I needed were held, began taking them and for various trainings, read books, apply new knowledge, etc.). The body also helps a lot, you can listen to it, be sure to give it physical activity, notice what it likes (what food, what clothes, what manipulations are pleasant) . Our body has special wisdom. With the help of it we live and create this world. It is visible and material and is closely connected with our soul (invisible) and transmits to us the state of our soul when we stop noticing it. The body cannot be deceived. And with its sensations it helps us in our affairs, including getting out of unpleasant states. The soul also cannot be deceived. She has exact knowledge of how things should really be. The soul signals us with emotions. But here our mind intervenes. And it is enough to simply teach him something and confuse him if he does not obey his soul and body. Then he begins to distort our reality. Because our brain grew and developed under certain conditions that the universe gave us. And these conditions consist of parents, teachers, friends, schools, partners and various events. And when we begin to believe the mind, without checking these rules with the soul and the response of our body, then we begin to live in illusions in which there is nothing to rely on. And the search for the real one, free from other people’s opinions, various distortions, provides a way out of depression and anxiety , unpleasant situations in life, helps to accept yourself truly, sincerely, and not superficially. That’s why, in my opinion, psychology is so effective in various aspects of our lives, because it is aimed at the harmony of mind, soul and body. And at one moment I realized that I was walking down the street and it felt somehow good, pleasant to walk and the world around me is somehow calm and good, kind to me. I consider this moment the beginning of my way out of depression. Such moments became more and more frequent and happened more often. And the world was filled with colors and continues to be bright and different!