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From the author: We ourselves are capable of shaping our own reality and we have all the levers to ensure that our lives are filled with positivity... How can we do this? How not to get hooked negative news? How to learn to focus your attention on the good? What is illusion in our world? What is reality? There are a lot of people laughing and crying right now. Some are sad, some are bored, and some are crazy happy. I think there is no doubt that this is actually happening to many people at this moment in time. All these processes are real. They are not mutually exclusive and occur simultaneously. No matter how much we want, we are not able to concentrate our attention on all the events that occur in a unit of time. We can only focus on one event and, lo and behold, we can choose it. If we do not do this consciously, then circumstances will do it for us. I can independently form my attitude towards life circumstances. You can be upset that you got sick, or you can be happy that you didn’t die. You can be upset about the lack of time, or you can be happy about having a huge number of things to do, which, in turn, makes life rich and interesting. As Henry Ford said: “I cried because I didn’t have money to buy new shoes until I saw a man without legs.” After all, it has long been known that viewing angle determines point of view. And what of this is real reality? Most likely the one you choose is for you. In the last century, physicists conducted an experiment that shocked the scientific community. By studying the behavior of quantum particles, they determined that the particles behave differently if an observer of the experiment is present. From this they concluded that the presence of an observer changes what is observed (the observer paradox). It turns out that our lives directly depend on ourselves, and what we focus our attention on determines what our reality will be. So why do we so often create a negative reality for ourselves? The answer is simple. We do not form it, it is formed or it is formed, and this happens when we are not conscious and allow it to be done for us. How does this happen? Remember a situation when you woke up in a great mood, went to work and got stuck in a traffic jam. You feel that you are late, you understand that there will be troubles at work and your mood worsens. Yes, this is your reality. Traffic jam, irritation, bad mood, fantasies and assumptions about possible problems at work. What can you do in this situation? How can you shape your reality differently? It is clear that you are not a magician and you will not dissolve the cork in the air. It’s also pointless to complain that you took the wrong route, didn’t leave early, or didn’t choose a different job. What's done is done, you are here and now and it is up to you to shape your reality. After all, we cannot be held responsible for external events that affect us but are not a direct consequence of our actions. But we are clearly responsible for our reaction to these events. So you're stuck in traffic. There is nothing you can do. Then take advantage of the allotted time: read a book, plan a vacation, think about something pleasant, listen to music, write a poem. It is clear that it is difficult to relax in a situation that you did not expect to find yourself in, but if you look more closely, your whole life consists of a series of situations that came as a surprise to you. So what's the point of getting upset and driving yourself into a state of gray despondency or righteous anger? You can also look at the situation from the other side. For example, the same morning, you, the same traffic jam. As soon as you start to get upset and panic, think about the fact that maybe if you hadn't gotten into the traffic jam, something bad would have happened to you.