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From the author: Tolstoy once noted that all thoughts about death are needed only for life, since it is precisely one or another person’s attitude towards death that determines the quality of his life and the possibility of finding its meaning. The life of the main character aroused the interest of the one whose voice is heard off-screen at the very beginning of the film: “I won’t say exactly what it was about Liesel Meminger, but I noticed her and warmed to her.” And after a few moments we understand that this is the voice of the Angel of Death. The death of a brother. Loss of contact with mother for a reason unknown to the child. Max's friend goes into the dangerous unknown. Jews being led to destruction. In one night, Heavenly Street disappeared with its residents, among whom were beloved and loving adoptive parents, the first love - a close friend of Rudi. So much loss and grief - how to live? Liesel lives in love. She is responsive to the good and the present and rejoices in it. Sees the essence behind the form, the soul behind the harsh words. Living in love is not in conflict with the ability to protect yourself and beat off someone who deserves it. Life is worth living if you look at the world with your own eyes and can find your own words about it. - Will you do me a favor? Describe today, what is the weather like there? - Mainly cloudy. - No, the words must be yours. If your eyes could talk, what would they say? - It's a pale day. Everything bright is hidden behind a cloud, and the sun does not look like the sun. -What does it look like? - For a silver oyster. - Thank you, I saw it. (dialogue between Max and Liesel) Words save. By holding on to them, a friend can recover from illness. A story, a story created by the heart, can distract from the horror of a night bombing: - Once upon a time there lived a ghost boy who diligently hid among the shadows so as not to frighten people. He was waiting for his sister, who was still alive. She wasn't afraid of the dark because her brother knew it there. And at night, when darkness fell into the room, she told her brother how the day had gone, reminded him of the sun warming her skin, how sweet every breath of air was and what snow tasted like. And she herself remembered that she was alive... Books save us when there is war, death, meaninglessness around us... The desire to read is greater than fear. And the books are worth stealing or “no, borrowing.” And life is worth living even when there is death all around. What saves is what is given as a gift - “WRITE”. How could a person’s life, Liesel, interest the Angel of Death? Live with courage and creativity. Possible topics when discussing this film: Death and life. Death kills, but the thought of death makes us more alive. War and children. War and people. “We behaved as people should” Word. Creation. Meaning and meaninglessness....Possible questions when discussing this film: What is this film about for you? Which episodes resonated with you with strong feelings? What feelings? Who is the hero close to you? What is it close to? What in the film did you want to turn away from? What would you remove or cross out from it? What in the life of any of the characters might be interesting to you? What question would you ask the hero? In your opinion, why is Liesel’s life interesting to Death??...