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A man always looks at a woman through her own eyes. O. Mertsana My first marriage was, to put it mildly, unsuccessful. After living together for six years, I got divorced. But I want family relationships, so I wanted to meet a man who would be completely opposite in everything from my first husband. A couple of months later I met, as if by order...... the complete opposite of my first husband. The first six months, I enjoyed and was proud. My friends were also jealous and asked how I managed to get married so quickly. The answer was: “Easy.” It’s really easy, I knew exactly and felt what was needed for this. The most difficult thing, as it turned out later, is to understand what kind of man you really need. Six years later, I ran away from this relationship. The phrase “Be afraid of what you wish for” was constantly spinning in my head; now, more than ever, I realized the depth of the meaning of this phrase. With this motto, I began a new era in my life, called “Choosing a candidate for the role of the best husband in the world,” which lasted exactly a year. I did it very technically. I made assumptions about what kind of man I needed based on the criteria and where he lived. Then I attracted attention with my inner radiance and impeccable image, men met me, oddly enough, matching these criteria, then I met with the one I liked most for five days, then I realized that this was not “mine”. I chose the next candidate according to new criteria, and so on for a whole year. There were all sorts of suitors: businessmen, oil workers and bandits. In total, I received nine marriage proposals this year. I just know what you need to give a man to make him want to marry you more than his life. It’s a paradox, but I was very unhappy and lonely by the end of this year. My phone was blowing up with calls and messages, and I was crying from loneliness. More than anything in the world, I wanted to change everything once and FOREVER. I started thinking, analyzing what I was doing wrong and what needed to be done. Just then I was studying in Israel, and this is the most wonderful environment for correct thoughts, and the people there are special. Here is one of the wonderful days, I had the opportunity to talk with the greatest psychologist in the world, the founder of the Institute of Cognitive Thinking, Shulamit Kreitler, she told me that my problem is that I cannot understand my desires within myself, that is, I cannot understand what kind of man for me the best in the world. Shulamit advised me on an excellent technique, which I still use in my consultations to this day. The technique works one hundred percent. It’s called “22 parameters,” and it means that you need to decompose any desired object into twenty-two parameters. Well, for example, we want an ideal husband for ourselves, we begin to draw up the desired parameters: 1. Tall 2. Strong physique 3. Brunette 4. Works in a manly job (such as the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Fireman, Policeman, etc.) 5. Single 6. Kind 7. Active 8. Temperamental 9. His family is his priority 10. Financially secure etc. at least twenty-two parameters. Well, now you know who you need. Then you need your ideal man to find you. This is a recipe from me: Take a piece of paper with the parameters that you wrote, call all your friends and say: “I’m looking for a husband, he (then read out everything you wrote) if you suddenly meet him, let me know, I need exactly the same.” This will allow you to get the image of your future husband in your head and everyone will know about your needs, including the Universe. After that, open up to communication in every sense. Look at yourself from the outside, will it be easy for someone to approach you? look at your profile on social networks, is it open, how are you a caretaker there, do you look like an enviable bride, if necessary, change the photo, or take another one.