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Monday, early morning, a cup of coffee, heavy feelings in my soul, a whole week of hard labor ahead, every day pretend to be an active employee, hiding a mask of sadness, would live until Friday evening, and then forget for two days and start all over again, the eternal run of a squirrel in a wheel... And time flies, your health fails and now everything is somehow hopeless... Burnout does not develop immediately, at first everything is quite tolerable, you meet with friends, engage in hobbies, then gradually, one after another, your favorite things begin to disappear , all that remains is the connection home-work, work-home, there is simply no strength for the rest. Do you recognize yourself? If not, don’t read any further! If yes, let’s deal with the problem! There is no diagnosis of “burnout” as such; behind this word there is usually an entire iceberg of causes and consequences. A person in a state of burnout may experience increased anxiety, depression of varying degrees of severity, disruptions in the body’s hormonal system, age-related crises, etc.; only a specialist can determine a specific diagnosis. Today I would like to highlight just one of the reasons that can lead to this condition. Are you sure you are doing “your” business? Imagine waking up on Monday morning before your alarm clock, feeling a pleasant wave of energy in your body, you know it’s going to be a wonderful day, you can’t wait to do what you love! Dream? It may well be your reality. “Choose a job you like, and you will never have to work a single day in your life.” Confucius Sometimes it turns out that a person in adolescence cannot decide what he likes and agrees to go study where his parents say , or where he can go. The consequences of such a choice can lead to the same sad picture of burnout. What to do? Firstly, of course, you don’t need to quit your job! A familiar place and a stable income are your support for further development. Secondly, there are many techniques that allow you to analyze your areas of life, understand where the deficit is occurring, everyone is hearing the “Balance Wheel”, do it. Thirdly Well-built personal boundaries at work and with loved ones will allow you not to waste all your energy. Fourthly, remember what you loved to do as a child, what brought you joy and inspiration. Take a career aptitude test. Choose a profession that is close to you, start studying, now there are enough different courses on professional retraining, let it be your hobby and over time you will be able to do what you love! You can contact me for psychological advice in a way convenient for you: WhatsApp, Telegram, Tel. +7 905 251 25 48 Subscribe to my Telegram channel, there is a lot of useful information there: https://t.me/+7UUnDCrHJ28yNDky