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Our whole life is a series of stresses, big and small. Everyone copes with some and moves on with experience in solving the problem. But some of the stresses lead a person to an extremely difficult state - both emotionally and psychologically, as well as physically. What is stress and why does the body need it, read Scary the word stress. What does it consist of and should you be afraid of it? Why does this happen? What leads to the transition of stress into a dangerous phase - according to scientific Distress? There are many such factors, I will give the main ones; a person’s physiological predisposition to the development of distress is determined by hormonal levels - including the level of cortisol in the blood; personality traits; first of all, this is the tendency to evaluate events and make forecasts in a negative way; experience of overcoming in the past if experience is small or negative, then the risk of developing distress increases. The type of stressor (event that caused stress) the magnitude of the stressor is important - the so-called macro-stressors that affect entire social groups, countries, are in the form of natural disasters, war, famine and similar events definitely too strong for the body. Nature did not prepare us for them, and the body’s resources are not designed for such an impact; duration of stress; even a not very strong stressor that lasts for a long time can lead to distress; social environment; social circle, which itself is in a similar situation and cannot cope with it; information flow out of fear; horror, military chronicles and people in uniform, sanctions, scarecrows and rumors - a factor that increases the risk of distress. Let's look at the current situation based on the given risk factors for the development of distress. Personal predisposition and personality traits - everyone has their own. And everyone, due to their physiology and optimism or pessimism, endures the experience of overcoming - none of the civilians have experience of overcoming such a stressor. But there is the memory of generations - the war was not so long ago in our history that we do not remember it. The type of stressor is a macro-stressor that affects the life of a person and his social group. Not to mention the “little things” such as the usual lifestyle and income. Duration of the stressor - it has been in effect for several days now, and probably no one can predict its end. Social environment - people around are just as bad, if not worse. There is nowhere to look for support and a “lake of calm.” Conclusion - the current situation has all the prerequisites to become distress for a huge number of people, and for some it has already become so. Unfortunately...Distress is no joke. This is dangerous stress, in which the body's resources are no longer sufficient for adaptation, much less overcoming stress. Distress can cause depression, various neuroses, exacerbation of diseases, insomnia, impaired concentration and many other equally unpleasant consequences. Please take care of yourself! Support yourself - if you are “overwhelmed”, it will definitely not make things easier for your loved ones. Hug your family and friends - you have each other, remain kind and warm with your loved ones. I wrote how to help yourself in the article Relieving Stress. First self-help. Recommendations from a psychologist. Use the recommendations - don’t let stress take its course. If it doesn’t work out, don’t expect it to “go away on its own.” I and many of my colleagues are now working in an intensive mode. Helping in such a situation is not only a job, but also part of the mission that each of us accepted for ourselves when becoming a psychologist. Ask for help. Taking this step now is a sign of inner strength. Only the strong can ask for help when they feel it is necessary. I wish everyone peace in their souls. Here is a little meditation that I really like. May it be for your benefit! The pictures in the article are taken from the World Wide Web. I am glad to see your “Thank you” under the article, if it was interesting. I am glad to see your comments, if you want to share your impressions, give feedback, or communicate with each other about the topic of the article. Subscribe to know how to help)