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The modern rhythm of life leaves less and less time for sleep and rest. The human body begins to replenish resources by “disconnecting” from the hustle and bustle in the most inappropriate places. Either you suddenly dozed off while sitting on your dream at work, or you passed your stop on the subway or came to visit and snored quietly in the corner. This all indicates that you are on the verge of physical and emotional exhaustion. But what to do when you have to cut back on your vacation time and all your energy goes into a new project or child care? The ability to quickly and easily relieve stress and replenish energy will help you avoid overwork, depression and illness. If you learn to consciously immerse yourself in a trance, then you will no longer have to come to your senses after a “spontaneous blackout for rest,” when you suddenly “thought,” “stared,” or listened to your interlocutor. Having mastered the technique of entering a trance, as fatigue and tension accumulate, you can carry out a 7-10 minute restorative procedure at any time of the day or before bed and avoid unpleasant situations during the day. But no matter what they say or write about the benefits of trance, it is better to try once than to read a hundred times. Therefore, right now you are invited to experience its capabilities for yourself. Please read the sequence of actions below carefully. Pick one, or better yet several, calm, pleasant melodies. If you have a hard time imagining how “this should sound,” type “trance music” into a search engine. Many music sites highlight it in a separate category - trance. If you are ready, then turn on the music, sit down or lie down comfortably. 1. Position your body so that as few muscles as possible are used. If you are sitting in a chair (chair), then place your hands on the armrests or on your hips and lean back. Your upper and lower limbs should not cross. Remember that you can always change your position and take a more comfortable one. Take a deep breath. Get ready for complete relaxation. If you want, you can close your eyes. 2. Discuss the following 5 points within yourself: Time spent in trance: in our case, 7-10 minutes. It will sound something like this: “I want to stay in a trance for 10 minutes of external time.” Don’t be surprised by the phrase “external time.” Inside trance, time flows differently. The state you want to have at the end: relaxation, calm, desire to continue practicing self-hypnosis, etc. Goal: learn to plunge into a trance, hear signals from yourself, your body, the unconscious and use trance states for your own benefit. Marker signal: the signal can be your renewed state (vigor, good mood) or some physical sign. For example, to understand that the work was successful, let the index finger on the left or right hand be raised relative to the other fingers. Be attentive to yourself, you may have your own signals. Don't forget to listen to your intuition. Motive (answer yourself the question - why are you going into a trance?): in order to better understand yourself, to truly enjoy life, to be full of energy, to enjoy every day, to understand your desires, needs, to live more successful, bright life. While you were solving the so-called “organizational issues,” you were in a light trance. After everything has been discussed, we plunge into a trance even deeper. 3. Feel how your right leg relaxes, becomes warmer, and is filled with a pleasant sensation from foot to thigh. The muscles begin to relax, helping you immerse yourself in a pleasant, comfortable state. 4. Feel how your left hand relaxes, becomes warmer, and fills with a pleasant sensation from your fingertips to your shoulder. The muscles relax. You dive deeper into yourself and establish contact with yourself. 5. Feel how your left leg relaxes, becomes warmer, and fills with a pleasant sensation. The muscles relax, your sensations in the limbs change, and you plunge even deeper into a trance. 6./