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I wanted to write today’s post for a long time, ever since we returned to Russia. All the time I formulated in my head what and how exactly I would write, what words to use and what to focus on. This topic became close to me and to some extent painful, since when communicating with many people on this topic, I did not I come to one opinion. All answers are different. When my husband and I were going to Thailand, we had to fly by plane. For me it was my first flight and very exciting. Before the flight from Volgograd to Moscow, I was very worried; for me it was something new and incomprehensible. But the flight was quite easy. What cannot be said about flying to Thailand. At the airport, when the plane was boarded and we reached the middle of the “sleeve,” I began to panic. I didn't want to get on the plane. I started crying, and my man didn’t know how to calm me down. Flight attendants and airline workers came and assured me that this airline was in first place in terms of safety and the flight would be normal. But the hysteria did not go away and I was ready to abandon the flight. The man reassured me and said that it was just a fear of flying. And at some point, I decided that I needed to overcome this fear. And we went on the plane. Just before the threshold, when there was one step left, I braked. They pushed me and I went in. In general, the flight went well. I looked at Dubai airport. It was delicious. Everything is so beautiful, big and clean. I was very impressed. We arrived in Thailand under heavy rain. And everything seemed to go well, and I had already forgotten this story. But an accident occurred. We ran into a Thai man on a moped. And even then I realized that back then in Moscow I had no fear, but simply an intuition that there was no need to fly. Having returned to Russia after treatment in Thailand, one evening we watched the video that we had filmed during our trip. Here we are riding a moped from the store and I said the phrase: “I am very afraid that there may be an accident.” Sometimes I return to these moments and think that it could have been. Maybe my fear and thoughts associated with it turned out to be material? Or was it a premonition? In fact, I thought for a long time whether I should share this on social networks and say something personal, but I thought it might be useful to someone.